
If a girl goes to eat dinner with me, what are the chances of her liking me already? and where should we go?

by  |  earlier

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So I finally got the balls to ask this girl i like a to work to dinner and she said sure and i said where she said wherever, its up to u.....

what do you think?

I'm not 100% sure if she said yes just to be nice or she likes me too....i hope she likes me too




  1. dude....the chances are she likes you,I mean she said yes,cause i wouldnt even wana go out with you if I dont like you,so I really think you should'nt worry about that,be yourself have a good time,and most important:be yourself,impress but not too much....Im holding thumbs 4 you,halla if it went well.....

  2. Well from a girl's point of view, i'll say she might like you haha you never know i mean usually if they started going out with you for a dinner like that but the percentage might not be too high yet around 15-20% for now i should say just to make sure and don't put all your hopes up or it will hurt ouch! you don't want that. And just take it easy, just bring her somewhere cool to eat not that cheap and not too fancy since she seems like she's not picky. Have fun! ;)

  3. It's a toss up...

    If she didn't have a boyfriend already, she might like you but she might also just like you as a friend. Has she been talking to you at work at all? Are there any hints that she likes you? Diner is just so streamlined nowadays that it can mean anything...she may just want a free diner!

  4. It seems like she's not picky if she's leaving it up to you to choose the place. She probably like's you or else she wouldn't agree to go out with you. Maybe she's just being non shalant about it. Don't expect too much on a first date though...your just getting to know the person and usually on the first date you can tell whether you mesh well or not. Just be yourself and if she doesn't like you than whatever move on to the next!

  5. If she didn't have an interest in you, she wouldn't have said yes to going out with you. It's also nice that she is letting you pick the place to go. Choose a nice place & good luck

  6. It's pretty obvious she likes you. If she didn't, she would have given you some excuse to let you down easy.

    If you tell me what city you're in I can give you a list of restaurants that will be appropriate. I can guarantee that none will offer coupons or childrens menus.

  7. I think you should take her somewhere facy but somewhere were you go to propse to LOL! take her some place quite with reasonable food not just fatty fatty chipies and burgers. ask her if shes particulary into anything, if not supirse her.

  8. If she said yes that means she at least has some interest... If she didn't see you as a possibility then she wouldn't spend any time with you. So you got your foot in! Good job!

    Now what you need to do is figure out what she likes. Is she the typical girl that is impressed with a nice restaurant? Or should you take her somewhere unusual but fun? My advice is to hang out with her a bit and ask some questions. What kind of food does she like? What does she enjoy as far as music? Basically find out some likes and dislikes so you can make a restaurant choice based on that. It also helps on the first date if you do some thing that keeps both of you involved. Like a restaurant with paper and crayons on the table for people to draw on.

  9. surprise her by going to her favorite resteraunt xD

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