
If a girl has s*x and her hymen doesnt rip is she still a virgin ?

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jus wonderinq




  1. Virginity is determined by whether or not you've had s*x, not by whether some membrane tears while you're having it.

    The hymen is elastic. There are married, pregnant women in the world who still have their hymens (although delivering a baby usually takes care of that). That doesn't make these women virgins.

  2. there is no technically yes lol and i like captain obvious if you have s*x your hymen have to stretch it doesnt rip first off and theres no way she could be a virgin after having s*x becuase the deed is done

  3. NO, and neither is he

    any of these acts, whether or not they end in o****m, are ways to throw away your virginity, a state that can never be recovered  ( )

    oral s*x

    vaginal s*x

    anal s*x

    manual stimulation by other person

  4. Technically yes but I wouldn't consider her one.

    Because she was trying to lose her virginity. And a p***s entered "you know where".

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