
If a girl is with a friend......?

by  |  earlier

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and she likes a guy, would she conceal her true feelings for him (because a friend is there)? Whereas when its just the girl and the guy she likes, would she convey her feelings more openly (e.g. playing with her hair)?




  1. yeah.. i would be more flirty if my friend wasn't around.. but i play with my hair all the time soo... i don't really get the question. haha :]

  2. well it depends if the friend knows about the girls tru feelings...if the friend knows about her feelings then the girl prolly wont hold back much..but if the friend doesnt no she might conceal them...

    but some girls show it no matter if their friend knows or not...

    the girl could just be shy like that even around her close friends...

    hope that helps some what

  3. playing with your hair isn't showing the guy you like him.

    and the girl should be flirting with the guy irregardless if her friend is watching or not.

    as long as the friend doesn't like the guy and there's no competition.

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