
If a good person was cloned, would the clone be evil?

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  1. technically, if someone was cloned, the clone will only look like the person. it wouldnt share their characteristics.  

  2. Only in the movies!

    People used to believe in the 'sinister twin', but I think everyone knows it isn't true in real life.  And since a clone is basically a twin, you really wouldn't know.  

    You do know that the clone would only know what it learns--if you clone an adult, you'll get a baby twin sibling of the adult.

  3. Your kidding..........RIGHT?

  4. Interesting question!

    Being good is the character mold by a person. Cloning a good person essentially get the genes but not the trait of a person. Ergo, a cloned person is not a guarantee to be good to.

    Thanks for asking. Have a great day!

  5. No, but some things about the person probably depends on the environment.

  6. 30 years ago Gregory Peck played a man who was cloning about a dozen little Hitlers. If they had been nurtured by Mary Poppins they would have been sweet little boys, except for those who chose to be otherwise.

    "Evil" is a choice.

  7. Not so much evil as perhaps  unhealthy.  Reportedly clones have issues including deformaties and undeveloped organs.  

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