
If a good player on your favorite team did or said something racist would you agree with punishing them?

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i would most definitely.




  1. My father was a White 1960s Chicago police officer and respects Malcolm X a h**l of a lot (To the point he can quote him and the quotes that are not popular knowledge).  So if a White cop who was on the other side could hold Malcolm X in such high esteem, then some White Generation X'ers who never knew Malcolm X can shut their pie holes.

    And if a player on my favorite team said something racist, I would no longer respect them and would want them punished/removed from the team.

  2. ofcourse...

  3. No, That's Weak-Minded. People are just soft, and need to get their emotions in check.  

  4. Yes even if it means the season goes incredibly wrong, it is important to keep them held up to standards.

  5. No.  First you need proof or admission.  Media tend to blow things up.  They like to highlight one small word and made it a big deal.  Sometime someone said something or did something without knowing or thinking about it and it wasn't suppose to mean much but the media picked on it and made headline out of it.

    Beside Malcom X preach violence and having his avatar means you agree with him.  Malcom X is also a racist so that make you a racist as well.  Why do you think someone else make a racist statement should be punish while you get to go free?

  6. In response to your question- NO!

    In response to what you said in my question I'm a second generation hispanic, my family knows more about racism than you can ever know. Do you know what in hate racism is that something that's much worse than one race insulting another. You think you are so intellectual because you qoute a great man, who you probably don't know c**p about. These men spoke for others in hope that someday people like you could speak for youself to understand the true horrors of racism and hate. Instead you live off their words taking everything they taught FOR GRANTED!. If only you could understand they didn't want to us to find a more definate solution to racism they wanted to us to find a way to co-exist to find ourselves in a world without hate; without racism.

  7. yes. racism goes further than sports. theres no good reason why you shouldnt punish them

  8. Sorry but is that Malcom X in your avitar. For most of his preaching career that man hated white people as much as anyone who ever lived. How can you say what you said with a straight face when you're showing the face of Malcom X on your avitar? Why don't you just call me a white devil & get it over with?  

  9. Yep. For sure.

  10. It depends. If  they were stupid enough to utter said things in public or to shout a racial slur at another player, then yes. If it was in private, however, it would depend upon what was done. Not that I agree with racism, but we really can't expect EVERYONE to be accepting like the rest of us. It's just -not- going to happen, sadly.  :/

    I go by the rule that if what you said/did was actually heard by others and hurt someone, then it is wrong. Otherwise, it is just empty words and a rather poor way of expressing frustration.  

  11. im sorry but i know im gonna get alot of thumbs down on this. i disagree. when people start putting those stories in the paper and making them big time news theyre creating hate. what those players were doing was making a joke. if you read the story you would have realized that. the whole thing was blown out of proportion. the same thing with that disc jockey, don imus, and the women's basketball team. that was part of his comedy bit. some joker decided "hey. lets ruin this guys career." and people fell into the trap. well im not one of those people.

    like i said. i WONT agree.  

  12. i thought we were supposed to be Americans  

  13. Dont succumb to racist people.  The madder you get about people being racist, the more racism there will be.  When you hear it, let it go, leave it alone, and it will stop.

  14. yes

  15. No.




  17. Good or bad player should be irrelevant.  Racist comment is a racist comment no matter how good you are.

  18. It ain't that simple.  What qualifies as a racist comment?  Basketball is the one place in American life where you can talk freely about race and people don't get bent out of shape.  As a white guy who grew up playing ball in all-black schoolyards, I (and everyone else) was always acutely aware of this and it was never an issue of controversy though there was constant racial banter.  I certainly didn't call anybody anything derogatory and I didn't find it offensive when they did.  And they called each other all kinds of names a white guy could never get away with saying.  If you make racial references in a work environment it's a violation of the EEOC rules and for good reason.  If you do it in a social environment where people might be sensitive about such things, it's just stupid.  If you do it in a casual basketball environment in good humor, I don't see the problem.  If it's NOT done in good humor and is intended to cause confrontation then again it's stupid and inappropriate.  If an NBA player says something inappropriate in an interview that qualifies as a work environment thing so it should be discouraged.  So again, it ain't that simple...

  19. Yes.  To let a racist act go unrebuked is to condone it.

  20. yes of course. basketball is just a game. the rest is real life.

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