
If a gorilla in captivity were to give birth to twins(boy&girl)with a similar genetic mutation which gave rise

by Guest32867  |  earlier

0 LIKES UnLike the human race 4-6 million years ago, should we clone them, let them reproduce naturally (Like a new Adam & Eve), or perhaps destroy them because it could lead to the development of a homonid species superior to our own?

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  1. I am thinking if news of this got out and queries over destroying these new beings then you would have a huge battle going on between the Right to Lifers and Animal Rights Activists and it would have to be taken to court to determine which of these groups had more rights to officially act as guardian for these two new-borns.  I think the early part of their existence would be to keep them in the care of their parents in the zoo and tests would be constantly carried out to ascertain their progress - both physical and mental.  The Scientists would possibly want to try and breed both of them with other gorillas/humans to see what happens genetically but there would be a huge hue and cry about that too and the Bible Belt will go "absolutely ape" re the ramifications.

    I am thinking because we are such a curious people we would not destroy these new beings.  They would probably grow up much much stronger than us (well having gorillas for parents!!!) so could be a threat to us.   Also the Fundamentalists and others will really c**p on as these beings mature and the scientific community decides to breed them together - brother and sister (Sock/horror/incest!!!).  In the meantime the scientific community will, under cover, ship these 2 mutant gorillas to a secret island under heavy security to see what happens.  There develop all sorts of problems - they are so cute - they are practically hairless but the hair they do have on their heads and those other areas is a lovely hue of red - but they are not all that attractive by human standards in that their eybrows and jaws look strange - they seem to have outrageous senses of humour and extremely dry wit and they are quicker than the average human on crossword puzzles and other word games - they can do almost anything humans can do (even talk in a raspy sort of way) but their habit of always smelling eachother's rears is an unwelcome development and their gait looks quite weird too with heads jutting forwards on a strange angle.  There had developed huge public and scientific debate re whether these beings are super apes or human mutants and because of their dirty little habits the consensus settled on "super apes" which the fundamentalists wholeheartedly agreed to and their Mentors/Guardians were decreed to be the Animal Rights people.  Now it is a matter of waiting for their first born and the female is 7 months pregnant eating a coconut as we speak on an island in the Pacific not dissimilar to Jurassic Park.

  2. There was never a time when a parent ape gave birth to the first humans.  They became gradually more like humans over the entire 4-6 million years.  Gorillas aren't our ancestors any more than chimps are which are actually closer.  We evolved from apes but not modern apes.  Since the apes today are totally different, it wouldn't produce a hominid even though it might eventually look like it.  They would be a different lineage with different selection pressures because the environment and competition is totally different now.

  3. Yeah, like that's going to happen overnight.

  4. I'm going to assume you meant a gorilla hominoid ancestor. If so then I would say, the lineage would die, because it's a hard knock life for a great ape (excepting humans).

  5. I don't understand how they would develop a superior species. Here we are.  What am I missing?  (you scientists)

  6. What the guy above me said.  (Only we're closer to Bonobo's than chimps.)

  7. What the guy above me said.  Only, to correct Jan:

    The bonobo/chimp line split after humans split, so we are equally close to bonobos and chimps. :)

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