
If a group member unsubs, will the files she uploaded be gone too?

by  |  earlier

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The group member is willing to leave the files, but she dosen't have time to keep up with the group. (She really wants to unsub, so going "no email" is not an option.) will I have to download then re-upload all the files, or will they stay even if she goes? Thanks in advance!




  1. no, not unless they delete what they contributed first and many do this before they unsub. you may want to back up the files however depending on what they added, they have a right to delete it and you'd have no right to keep it if it's something that specifically belongs to that person

  2. Nope. They stay in the group's archive, but the member might like to delete them before s/he is gone. You may talk to her about what she wants to do and act accordingly.

  3. When a group member unsubscribes everything posted by that member remains in the group.  Including Files, Photos, Links, Databases, and Messages.  Even if you ban a member anything that member has posted to the group will remain.  Another company with groups had the option of removing everything from the member but, Yahoo does not.

  4. No, the files stay part of the group record unless that member or the owner deletes them from the file section.

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