
If a group of modern men and women were to suddenly find themselves dropped into a primitive world;?

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without tools, supplies of any kind; do you think they could learn to survive?




  1. It depends where they were dropped, ie the climate, who the people were, and if they met up with other primitive people.  The last factor could work for or against them.

  2. There's a true story you could read, just for some pointers, called 'Alive!' (I think). It's about a group of South American soccer players whose plane crashes in the Andes.

    I like the basic premise of your book. It's refreshing to hear about a story in that genre, where the 'survivors' don't seem to have an endless supply of clean clothes, and food.

    'Lord of the flies' might be another possible source of inspiration, as books go. It's a particularly good example of a 'how an isolated group breaks down/falls apart' scenario. Violent, though, so be warned.

    Good luck. There's not much more I can say.

  3. Ha, no they'd starve !

  4. This is a great question!!!!  I say that I think there are  a good number of people capable of surving ina primitive world, but not the average cell phone carrying, MP3 listening, video game playing and reality tv addicted individual.  The hunters, campers and military personal would do well.  Just think of the cast of friends dropped off in a primitive land...they would all perish.

  5. Depends on the way they were brought up.  If an individual has been taken care of or given all they need without any work ethics then that person or people will have a hard time dealing with.  Unlike someone who has not been spoon-fed all there life has a chance to survive more because that is what it is survival.  Know that it take guts and brains to make it in this world and some kind of understanding that It's not always about U.  U have a better chance of surviving If u help in the process.  THE ONE WHO ADAPTS TO ANY CHANGE IS THE ONE WHO WILL SURVIVE.  THAT IS THE LEARNING OF SURVIVAL.

  6. Some would but most would not in my view but it's only a view. I fear I would not I could not survive without a bathroom or fashion shops.

  7. It completely depends on the people. Some of them could very easily survive...others would miserably fail and die.

  8. Any group of people put into a foriegn enviroment will have difficulties. What if it was the other way around, and a group of primitive people were dropped into the modern world. I dont think they would survive very long. Probably get hit by a car. Or die of shock, imagine if a primative man saw a train passing by, he might think it was a huge snake that had eaten alot of people...

  9. I'd choose at least a few characters who had some hunting and gathering savvy.  Throw in a few strong, silent types and a yoga instructor.  Just for fun, have some useless idiots like lawyers, preachers and psychiatrists in the group so somebody can die without being really missed.  You absolutely must include a multitalented artist and an elder.  Oh, and add a twist.  The only female in the group is g*y.  Will she allow for procreation?  What fun this will be!

  10. yes, I think they would survive. look at the examples we have of people who have been marooned, plane wrecked or shipwrecked. many of them have survived without modern tools. It depends a lot on the climate and resources of the area where you place them , and the knowledge and skill sets of the individuals. but survival is always possible. To get a feel for this type of lit. try reading the fantastic island by Jules Verne, and Robinson Crusoe.

  11. Take a look at S. M. Stirling's series of novels about a world in which all electricity and explosives are suddenly rendered useless.  He also wrote a series about the Island of Nantucket being sent back to about 1300 BC, but they still had their modern tech.

  12. It'd be tough going, but using their brains they could adapt.

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