
If a group of people was to trying to withdraw a national park to make thier own country would it work?

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if a group of people withdrawed a national park or forest for their organization to create thier own country would it work and if not why wouldn't it work




  1. Nope. The land in question is held in trust for the people. Therefore it is held separately from purchase, development or encroachment unless by Congressional action. This group would have to have its own armed force and literally take violent possession, but, of course, you know where that would lead. So, the answer is no. No way.

  2. the land in the national parks and forests belong to the nation as a whole.

    why should a small group of people steal that land away from all the rest of the nation?

  3. No 'cause the military would come in and kick their a**.

  4. Of course it would not work.  Why would a country allow one group to steal a section of land belonging to all the citizens?

    There is nothing in the law of any country that provides for any part of that country to be separated from the rest.  And even UN regulations would not consider one group to take a piece of land they do not even occupy legally.

  5. lalalalalalaNOlalalalalalalla

  6. How, exactly, would a group of citizens "withdraw" a national park for themselves? I don't get it...

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