
If a guy ask a girl out, but she says that she will only go out in a group, is that a bad sign?

by  |  earlier

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Meaning she will not go out with just the 2 of us, but in a group. These women are christian so maybe that could be a cause. I am a christian as well so that is not a reason why they wouldn't go out. It could be that maybe that just don't see me as someone who they would date. Who knows right??? My question is is this a bad context clue?




  1. I believe thats a reject, but hey who knows what she ment, just ask her what she ment.

  2. in the beg its cool, she just doesn't know what to think yet, give her time to get to know you, be yourself and be honest, it'll be fine

  3. not really maybe she is just shy or her parent said so

  4. well i would say that personally bc my parents dont allow me to date so i have to be in secretive so going out with a group of people seems like a group outing

  5. if it her friends or family and she wants to go out with them then thats a good thing, i think

  6. Maybe becuz her parents will only met her do it that

  7. It is not a bad sign.  It probably means she either isn't ready for 1:1 dating or that she wants to get to know you better before being alone with you.  Do the group thing and see how it goes from there.

    Good luck.

  8. How old is this girl? My daughter was restricted to 'group dating' until she turned 15. Perhaps her parents have put a similar restriction on her dating. (And yes, folks, this was back in the last century. I'm sure that her mother and I would have a lot harder time doing that today.)

    If she's willing to go out with you on a group date, I'd take that as a positive sign that she'd be willing to date you when she's allowed to go on individual dates.

  9. It's probably because if you're in a group, there are less awkward situations and a less chance of being pressured into go back to their place, having a few more drinks, etc. They are probably just trying to get to know you in a safe environment first.

  10. she might not trust you. she wants to make sure that if she goes out with you there will be other people around her incase something bad might happen. if she didn't like you, she probably wouldn't even accept your invitation. you have a chance buddy.

  11. She doesn't want to get pressured into something she doesn't want to do.  She just wants to get to know you better, before she makes up her mind on dating as a couple.  At least she isn't leading you on, she is keeping things above board

  12. You don't say how old you are. It could be that you are too young. But it is better that way because it will help you get to know each other better.

  13. You don't mention your age.  Maybe the girl's parents don't want her to be alone with a boy, but would rather that she hangs with a small crowd.  There's less opportunity to rush into things -- if you know what I mean.  With a group of people, there is more of an opportunity for the girl to see how you interact with others and she can get to know you better.  I don't think it has anything to do with you being an ideal dating companion or not, I just think it's a way of playing it safe.

  14. She is either afraid of you, or wants to show off to her friends.  I dated one that sprung a double dating situation on me after I came to pick her up.  I went along with it for that night, but didn't bother calling her back.

  15. it sounds like she just wants to be friends. don't pressure her or anything. plus, being in a group will make it less awkward. don't worry about it too much, just let whatever happen.

  16. yes it is

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