
If a guy calls you "attarctive" rather than "hot" does this mean he thinks ur pretty or not?

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i saw a guy at work out clubbing, we were both both kinda drunk and we had a mad convo, anyway he said

"i think your the most attartive girl at our work"

he didnt say hot but attarctive what does this mean??

oh, it stemmed from us talking about who was cute n who was not and we sorta always flirt at work but we are more just friends.

anyway he said this, and then sorta half smiled and looked away, and looked back and then we talked some more and parted ways.

WTF does thi mean!? he thinks im pretty or not?




  1. he thinks your pretty god damnn.


  2. he said attractive bc he wanted to not offend you by saying "I think you're the HOTTEST girl" He prob thinks your vey pretty it's just a nice way of saying it without sounding like a d**k

  3. ATTRACTIVE is an actual description not HOT


    It means he thinks you're fugly

    A woman that prefers a guy calling her hot rather than attractive. lmao

  4. He thinks you are pretty. Plain and simple.

  5. He could just be more respectful than guys who use the word "hot"...being called attractive isn't a bad thing, take the compliment without doubt.

  6. what an awkward word to use, he most likely thinks your pretty but wanted to use a word that wouldnt qualify as flirting...I dunno lol

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