
If a guy has avoided you....?

by  |  earlier

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If you thought a guy liked you and then allof a sudden you didn't see him for awhile would you feel he was avoiding you because maybe he knew you liked him, but then started coming around again and acted the same way as before(staring coming closer to you etc...) Is he trying to gauge your feeling towards him or just playing with your feelings?




  1. he is playing with you.. what a jerk. just let him go and find a guy  who will treat you right:D and dont settle your way to good for that!

  2. I'm not sure.  He could be trying to gauge your feelings, but I doubt this.  He may not be sure or maybe he didn't think you liked him that much or maybe he is shy.  There are too many variables here.  Just take it slow with him and see how things go.

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