
If a guy is friendly, do ladies assume they are after something?

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Most guys I look at wave or say hi or make friendly comments to me. I know they are just being friendly but in the back of my mind I think perhaps they want to take advantage or perhaps they are after something. I know this is conceited thinking but I can't help it. Have I got a right to think this? I know it sounds pathetic but some guys that say hi I avoid, for the fear I am placing myself in danger. Is this rude to do this?




  1. Guys can be friends with girls without trying to be thier boyfriend. one of my best friends used to be a boy.

  2. No, if it only reaches the extent of you thinking in the back of your mind.

    If you avoid talking to nice people because you're afraid they want to have s*x with you, then I would perhaps cool your jets a little.

    A lot of the time it's an instinctive urge to impress the fertile woman, and isn't a genuine bid to get inside you.  

  3. No if they just say hi and wave they have nothing evil on their mind at all apart from being nice people and for some reason you must have a bad experience from the past to think they want to take advantage of you. you are not in a relationship with them.. if they greet you in a friendly way that is no indication at all that they want anything at all from you apart from being nice... polite people.. they exist, you know..  they don't have afterthoughts and probably don't even want to get to know you, they do that to everyone.. those who have good manners and are nice..Just wave back and don't worry.. they are not after you.. they don't ask you for a date so all they want is to wish you a nice day and you should do the same. that is politeness you would be rude to ignore a polite ''Hello'' you must have bad experience from the past to think every guy who behaves well mannered wants to exploit you.. they don't even want to date you.. so chill down.. they are only polite and want nothing else from you except perhaps a polite nod of the head back or a smile or a wave...

  4. I am a genuine nice guy. Now I have to admit i'm often nicer to hot girls, thats true. But I wouldn't try anything on them. I'm just nicer  

  5. sometimes its rude but you can try  

  6. just give a casual hello back

  7. It was almost a daily occurrence to be walking towards a woman, and to see the look in her eyes that says "It's a man.  What's it going to do to me?"  Now that women mostly have phones welded to their ears, they are easier to ignore, and they don't see who is around them.

  8. Maybe you have a problem in your past experience that is still in your mind. You are just making safe of yourself.. It's just normal to think that way nowadays.. Trust no one..

  9. Honestly, I'm suspicious of anybody who is nice to me at first. There are a lot of nutters out there,so no,you are not wrong for being suspicious. Its always good to be alert.LOL!

  10. Honestly, about half (who am I kidding, probably more than half) of them are probably sexually attracted to you.  On the other hand, 99.9% of those guys wouldn't rape you or anything.  And 90% of those remaining wouldn't take advantage of you, unless you make it seem like you want to be taken advantage of.  About 50% of these people would never take advantage of you at all, even if clearly put in the position to.  About 50% of them are probably actually really nice, great people, and only are attracted to you by coincidence, and think of women as potential friends, not just potential mates.

    Of course, 99.8 percent of the people who make those comments will probably never do anything more than make a friendly comment.  Its a big world out there.

  11. Perhaps you are being too self-centered.

    If I may offer some advice, just live your life and be friendly.  If a guy wants more of a relationship, he will let you know directly.  Otherwise, let it go.

    If this feeling of fear persists, see a doctor, who can help.

  12. They're probably just nice guys being friendly. What they're actually saying to you should give you an indication. If it's about how pretty or hot you are - then, yup he's a sleaze bag. If not, it's just "hi" and stuff they could just as easily say to another guy, they're probably OK.

    It doesn't hurt to be a little cautious. As you suggested, there are some guys who wander around in a testosterone fog that makes them scary.

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