
If a guy is going to hang out with a girl, why would he want to bring another guy along?

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i asked this boy to hang out with me and he said yes which is all good. But he insisted he bring another boy with him which I know cause we all went to middle school together. what do you think this means?

I was thinking it means this boy is too shy to hang out with me by himself

me and this boy have alot of history, he told everyone he liked me and 8th grade and he always bugged me and annoyed me. he almost asked me out in 8th grade. i mean he said" will you go out with...". and he's been bugging me for years. he tried to kiss me in 8th grade but i was too shy so i didn't. the boy he wants to bring is a boy that used to bug me in 8th grade also. they both always have fun annoying me together. we are all in high school now and were going to be juniors this year




  1. wow how g*y!

    i usually ask a girl to hang out and she wants to bring a friend lol

    dat sounds kinda homo so idk?

    i think da best thing is to ask him

    its not like hes gna get mad at u or something

  2. well if they annoy you i dont think you should hang out with you. But if hes bringing a friend you should bring a friend to keep it even and balanced.

  3. I feel this guy just lacks confidence, and is bringing his friend to boost this up. OR, they may be planning to bug u again :P  

  4. high school and he wont hang out with you alone?

    does he have any experiance with girls

    and also maybe he doesnt like you like that anymore ,maybe he jus wanted to bring his friend because he thought it would be fun the 3 of you

  5. Well I'm going to take this completely out of context and look at it from an complete different angle than how everyone will.

    If I were a girl and a boy that was always chasing me years before plus his friend who equally chased me I would raise my brow to this and would be deeply puzzled since we are all in high school now. It would bother me that 2 boys around the age 16-17 wouldn't have what it takes to court a girl alone.

    I myself would be scared to meet alone with being out numbered. The fear of rape would ensue in my mind like a plague.

    Also the only way I would agree to meet is if I brought one of my most trusted female friends.

    If they have been obsessed with you since 8th grade I'd have reason for concearn or so one would think.

    I hope that I helped you look at this situation from a complete abstract angle that typically wouldn't happen but sadly the way I looked at it is exactly how most guys thought in my high school giving nice good guys like myself who had the balls to go out on dates solo with out a wing man a bad name. Good luck to ya be safe!

  6. yea, he probably doesn't like you anymore and just doesn't want to make you feel weird and think he's a totally pathetic loser. Or he just wants to bring his friend along for fun.

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