
If a guy..............?

by  |  earlier

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if a guy is walking in the hall the opposite direction from you and stares at u everyday ,,that mean he likes you?

-we have no classes together, just everytime he sees me he keeps glancing at me.




  1. you might just be eye candy

  2. Yeah, it sounds like he may like you..... or at least he finds you attractive... but i bet he likes you

  3. lol i have ben asking my self the same question

    this guy i like looks at me wen we pass by and we dont have classes to gather ether but back to ur question  he mite but next time smile. and keep walking he mite talk to u :) best of luck lol  

  4. uhmmm could be

    or he could just be checking you out. not nessisarily like you but just checkin your baggage. i guess. if you have any, but idk. it could be. ask him whats up. get to kno him. :D

  5. he probably like what he sees. he is wondering how you feel about him. you guys got history? tmm

  6. He certainly thinks you're attractive in some way. :] But if he really likes you, and your personality, he has to talk to you several times at least.

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