
If a habitable planet was found outside solar system?

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Would you drop everything and go? The voyage make take 50+ years would you do it and why?




  1. No.  With current technology, every minute in space is a great risk to life and limb. The chance of surviving a 50 year voyage with current technology is too slim for my taste. Besides, I'm 44 now. I would be 94 at the end of the voyage. It would be like giving up my life so my grandkids could see another world. Its a knoble idea but not worth wasting ones who life on.

  2. Actually, if you had a very, very fast ship, it would still take about 50,000 years for the trip. That's for our nearest neighboring star - 25,239,768,480,000 miles.

    For 50 years, a trip to Neptune would take about that long.

  3. No it is much too far... Our space abilities are still in the horse and biggie days.

  4. i'd stay here - i'd rather not spend 50 years in a rocket, you'd probably get bored lol. you couldn't spend that long in a rocket anyway cuz you'd run out of food and water and fuel. but supposing that you had enough food  water fuel to last 50 years you'd die anyway because there is no gravity pushing you down so ur body expands and you would stretch all ur body and ur organs would fail

  5. Nah. I'd rather stay here.

    Because first off, Rockets are not my thing. Lol. I would go, if it only took about 1 year or less. Lol. If I did go to this new planet, by the time I actually get there, I would be, hmm, 65 years old.

  6. After sacrificing 50 years of adventure, travel, entertainment, good food, socializing, and s*x, the ship would land.  Okay, so the other planet looks like eastern Kansas.  Boy, would I feel ripped off!

  7. It would take a heck of a lot more than 50 years to even get to the nearest star to earth.  The Voyager probe has been in space for 30 years and is only just now leaving the solar system.  At that rate it would take Voyager something like 30,000 years (if it was headed that way).

    And that is for our closest neighbor.

    But if we imagine it could be done in 50 years I still would not do it since that would be most of my life in a spaceship.  If you could put me into suspended animation so I slept the whole way and did not age then sure, I'd consider going.

  8. Supposing that a habitable planet was found outside the solar system, *and* we had the resources and technology to go there safely...  That's also supposing that the fifty years would spent in some kind of cryogenic sleep, then I really couldn't say.

    At this point, no I wouldn't.  Earth is nice, we have all the resources we need for awhile at least.  There are wars, but there are wars everywhere.  All my friends and family are here.  Plus, a new planet would have to be founded, and would probably be an agricultarian planet, at least at first.  I don't think I have, or want, the skills needed to live in that type of society.  

    If we're saying this is the future, and we have few resources and wars are more plentiful...  Maybe I would go.

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