
If a hacker has my IP address, is there a way he can access my personal stuff?

by  |  earlier

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I think I may have been phished but i didn't give away any important info or anything.

Is everything going to be okay?

What should I do?




  1. You're computer is as only good as it's defenses and it's user.  You seem vigilant enough not to be giving away your administrator password or anything like that, so you are ahead of the game there.  You shouldn't be downloading anything that doesn't come from a legit source, which it seems you are good there.

    If a hacker has an IP address it's essentially a starting point.  Will that alone give them full access?  no.  However, it gives them a target, a place to start chipping away and seeing what ports are open and what they can get away with.

    Bottom line is make sure that you are all patched up (all your updates are there) and you don't give anyone any control that you know shouldn't have it.

    Good luck,


  2. real hackers can do whatever they want not only to know your IP because there are lot of ways to get into your full identity.

    but i think you won't lose anything...because they mostly target "big fish" and not the smaller ones!

  3. if u have been phished out only your password will go to him.but if he has your IP then he can use various softwares to access your computer.

    what i would recommend is that you immeadiatly disconnect your computer from the network to prevent the viruse from spreading if there is any.the only way you can change your ip is always use a proxy or reinstall the OS.

    you have changed your password so consider yourself safe.But if at any time you see that your desktop icons are blinking and experience slow speed i suggest u format ur pc.

    This is my opinion and my knowledge.


  4. Use Bitdefender Total Security 2008. It includes anit-phishing anti hacking, and anti virsus to name a few..  you can get the free full version of it from their website...I use it together with Spysweeper 5.5 and Peer Guardian 2 and you are pretty much hidden and secure as Fort Knox on speed.. ;)

    Also I would be sure to use Firefox Internet Browser rather than Internet includes anti virus and auto programs from even starting so your kinda double covered when it comes to that..

  5. he cant c any personal stuff, he can only c ur internet files.....  

  6. The answer in Russian is "NET"...

    Website owners can see your IP address when you visit their site. They can not do any harm to you if they have your IP address.

  7. You should see to having a strong password on your account. That makes it somewhat more difficult for hackers to gain access to your files.

  8. If a hacker has my IP address, is there a way he can access my personal stuff?

    Yes saw this on TV a couple of days ago. A hacker was talking about how all he has to do is get your IP number or address and he's in whether you have firewall or not.

  9. HE CANT

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