
If a hole/portal/rip suddenly opened up in front of you, would you step through it...?

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Bear in mind, you would not know what was on the other side (instant death maybe), or whether you could get back.

Would you step through, or just let it close again, and spend the rest of your life wondering...?




  1. I will push my enemy into it. lol.

  2. Definitely not. Sure, it could lead to a fantastical land of endless wonders and eternal life...or a place where human beings were enslaved and forced to eat f***s day and night. It could be death, or a fate worse than death. The chances that it would be a good place are too small for me to risk it.

    Either way, I could not do that to my mom. Because of my sudden disappearance, she would likely think I had been kidnapped/murdered and would not be able to live happily while she obsessively imagined what happened to me.

  3. yes i would, for a portal would have to be created and to do that a tremendous amount of energy would be required (look up worm hole theory), also if it opened up in front of you then that would suggest a controlling intelligence, so its a good chance that it would be safe (unless something is looking for lunch)

  4. No i wouldn't step through it. I would wait until someone brave or more stupid than me to step through first and see what happens.

  5. In theory I would like to say yes, maybe starting with my left hand. In practice, no, I would chicken out for sure.

  6. Please do research on "The Lordsburg Gate" (sometimes referred as the door) - seems to be allowing anything in!

    Consider the story of James Worson -

    - In Leamington Spa, England, UK, in 1873, James Worson, a shoemaker bet his friends that he could run from his hometown to Coventry and back again, a total distance of 16 miles.

    Worson set out on his run, jogging at a steady pace, with three of his friends following in a cart. After a few miles down the road, Worson suddenly stumbled, began to pitch forward and disappeared forever with a piercing scream.

    The three friends searched frantically for him, but no trace of Worson was ever found again- his footprints just stopped.

    If a wormhole did open between two areas of the universe - what is the liklehood of both ends being on a planet's surface ? - Most likely to be an unknown point in space - not a pleasant prospect, so - no thanks.

  7. no!.

  8. You did say a portal............

    ...Yes, definitely yes yes yes......

    oh what and why and who cares..........

    .....I would not worry at all what is on the other side................yipeeeeeeeeeeeeeee

    a New Experience...How Exciting!

    ...especially at my age and what I know I would not hesitate..

    .....anyone else want to go through with me?

    I think I'd like to take my middle son and my brother and their wives etc...........

    A New World awaits me.........Yahooooooooooooooooooooo! Yipeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee

    I hope I can grab my camera on the way !!!!!!!!!!!!  Swords, spears, needle and thread, some horse hair(for stitching wounds),etc

    Even if I wasn't given enough time to get all those things I certainly would JUMP or Run through.

  9. Hiya Pcillite,

    An interesting question.

    Back in 1983, something happened on top of Castleton Moor, North Yorkshire, England.

    My then partner and I had been walking a while at night on this lonely road  after our car broke down.. before mobiles.

    A strange red light had been ahead of us, but kept with us about 40 metres away all the time.

    Cutting this story short, we had been with this light for about 30 minutes, before the road sloped down to a main arterial road and traffic.

    The light stopped and wouldn't go on

    I got the sense that it could have harmed us, but didn't, now it was giving us the option.. like your question, to go or aproach it.

    I wanted to, but she started to cry... don't leave me.

    I said come with me, but she was scared.

    I gave in to her whimpering, and left the light up there on the moor.

    For almost 25 years now, I have lived with the regret of my inactions, and would, in the same scenario, say, stuff you, I'm going to investigate it.

    Hope that answers your question.

    Have an inspiring 2008

  10. After I stopped screaming and crying?  I'd consider it.

  11. No i'd send something in on the end of a rope, like a video camera, then find out what happens in there.

  12. No...I wouldn't. I don't even know what's on the other side of this internet. I'm SURE not jumping into a hole in space. I don't even go to My Space. I'm a fraidy cat!! The reason I'm answering this question is to get the 2 pts..BECAUSE ...I'm stuck on that BAAAAD number and I've got to get off it..especially before the New Year!! That means I can't ask any more questions until I'm far far away from it. Hope ya'll can hold down the fort while I'm away!! lol

  13. I'd jump in! Life's too short anyway, so I'd take it without any doubts.

    I'd run with my arms wide, and then jump at the last second. During that I'd be saying to myself, "High, high, in the sky I shall fly. Without a doubt, this is my time."

  14. Depends. My guardian angels would tell me if it was safe to explore what's beyond. But I'd rather not and say I did just to be on the safe side. I've seen enough in my life to know that being extra safe isn't a bad thing.

  15. I wouldnt just step through it, I would report it to the police or something..Yeah, I know lame.

  16. Very interesting question... it gets to the heart of people's beliefs...

    I am not necessarily talking about God. No, I am talking about whether people believe in circumstance, fate, destiny... meaning.

    My initial reaction, as would most people's, would be "What the h**l is that?"

    A normal response, wouldn't you agree?

    Then after? Well, that depends on the individual, and their beliefs (as mentioned above).

    There are over six and a half billion people on this planet so I would be thinking, "Why me? Why did it choose me?"

    In that respect, personally, I would be inclined to think if such a thing opened up before me, it was meant to be - a purposeful thing if you will.

    I would be too over-awed to be scared, and while hesitant at first, my intrigue would win over my cowardice: I would step through.

    It would simply be something too great to ignore, and while instant death is a possibility, the "not knowing" aspect would be a bigger killer - something that would eat away at me all my life.

    We all die right, so why not die experiencing something that no human has experienced before - even if it is for five seconds?

    I understand many will be scared, I understand many will think of their families, and have fear of the unknown; maybe some have faith in their God to guide them away from the "evil portal" (but how do they know this isn't their God's work?).

    I, on the other hand, have no family or friends so would rather take that leap than spend my life wondering.

    Maybe my circumstances influence my answer, but that is the point I am making about people and their beliefs... and I reiterate, this is a very interesting question - almost some kind of psychology test...

  17. I guess it would all depend on whether or not I opened it and what kind of energetic vibe it had.  I've seen way too many things in my life both material and not to think that I have to investigate everything that is put before me.

  18. I would stand in front of it and light up my cigar i put out earlier and drink the rest of my hooch in my flask, and say to myself i hope where i'm going doesn't have rules about smoking cigars in restaurants and corner stores and then i would step through.

  19. i would definately go through

  20. scream "**** you!" @ evry1 arownd, then take a running jump thru it nd hope i jst dnt come str8 out the other side 2 meters away frm where i left

    lawl, its questions like these tht keep 'answers interestin

  21. of course!  i'm like the chicken that has to get to the other side!

  22. If it popped up right now, I wouldn't step through it, but I'd hang on to something tight and dip my head in to take a peek!

    After my kids are grown and no one needs me anymore - I'll feel more adventurous.  Ask again in 20 years.   I'll prolly jump.

  23. I'd be a coward and stay where I am.  I don't like that about myself though.

  24. I would step in it BUT before I did, I would get my wife to stand there to make sure no one pulled the chain

  25. If it meant my life were to change as I knew it Yes i would

    My luck.....I'd walk through to Tyranasauraus Rex.  Beam me up Scotty Please

  26. No I would not step through something that appears to be a portal.  Perhaps I would write down my name with the date and time on a piece of paper and throw it through, but I would not consign my fate to a portal's whim.

  27. Depends on how I felt about the portal/rip.

  28. I didn't go through the last one, but if I ever see one again....I will go through.

  29. Interesting question I would have to say no I would not step through it.My interest in the unknown does not go that far .I guess I would ask , would you step through it? this is a interesting question to ponder .I honestly believe that I feel safe in my world and the thought of stepping outside it with out knowing if I could return would cause me to choose no

  30. If it was a random space or time portal, then I would just wonder. The chances of it leading anywhere other than instant death would be phenomenally small.

    If it was obviously sent by someone or something intelligent with the purpose of getting someone to step through, then I would not hesitate.

    It would have to be obviously intelligent though, like maybe the word welcome hovering in the air above it or something.

  31. you put your left leg in you take yyour left leg out

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