
If a horse is qb\tb is it like a mutt and how can you figure out a horses regersteion papers can you

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If a horse is qb\tb is it like a mutt and how can you figure out a horses regersteion papers can you




  1. Do you mean Quarter Horse/Thoroughbred cross?  If so, rest assured that is a very common cross, and it is not a mutt.  You can register it in the appendix to the AQHA studbook.  Or you can register it directly with the American Appendix Horse Association.

    Or do you mean Quarab/Thoroughbred cross?  Ooooh, that's a tougher one.  What would you call that, an Anglo Quarab?  1/4 Arab + 1/4 Quarter Horse + 1/2 Thoroughbred = nothing special to some modern breeders.  

    Well, if worse comes to worse and your horse is considered a grade horse, you can still register it.  This place registers all grade horses.

  2. When a horse is more than one breed, it is called a "cross." Some registries allow part-blood horses to be registered; some require a horse to be "full-blooded"; there are even some registries out there just for a certain colored horse.

    If your horse didn't come with registration papers, ask the previous owner if they were ever registered. If the previous owner says the horse is registered but won't hand over the papers, the horse more than likely isn't really registered and the owner just wanted to get a higher asking price. It's a hassle to get a horse registered if you weren't the original owner.

  3. that is an acutal breed it is called an appendix horse they can be registered if both parents have papers.

  4. usually the papers come with the horse.  but most crosses are never registered.

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