
If a human brain had wheels, do you think it could get good gas mileage?

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It would be low weight and also have a small carbon footprint.




  1. Most brains do a lot of turning round in circles, so would get very poor mileage. It takes a well defined route to get good economy.

  2. Yes actually.  Human beings, an living organisms in general are incredibly efficient in terms of energy.  That's why after exercising all day, you can steal eat a cheeseburger and NOT lose any weight for the day.  It takes very little to keep out bodies running.  In comparison a car needs gallons of gas to run on (and yes a car is much more powerful than we are) but what you don't realize is that gasoline is EXTREMELY high in calories (yes; everything has calories, even if you can't eat it- calories just refer the energy in something).  In fact a mere cup of gasoline has like 10,000 or so calories.  So putting 10 gallons in your car is would be like you eating a few hundred pizzas.

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