
If a kid flunked 2nd grade & never caught back up, would that hurt his shot at the NFL?

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Because he'll be 19, almost 20, when he graduates high school?




  1. Well you have to look at the big picture here man. Say if he failed a few grades it is most likely possible that he had less than sub par grades. And REMEMBER! You must have three years of college experience before you can enter the NFL draft.

    So if you look at the big picture here if you have talent schools will find you but if they look at the fact that you had sub par grades they may pass you by. Can't get into college and maintain a grade point average eligibility for three years then you have no shot at the NFL.

    So if you keep the grades up and have the raw talent yes you will be ok.

  2. Nope!

  3. I don't think it will hurt him.  As long as he graduates then that is all that matters.  Remember the NFL does not care how smart you are.  The only thing they care about is whether you can play at a super star level or not.  To them, the players equal dollar signs.  If the players are talented then it will bring them the big bucks.  Besides not all NFL players went to college. You had some that were drafted right out of high school.  Being smart is one thing, but to the NFL playing at a high level means large profits.  

  4. No, he could become an NFL general manager.

  5. Well just for the records, if he is almost 20 graduating high school then he was probably held back 2 years..

    BUT no, the NFL obviously doesnt care how these kids did in grade school, or even college for that matter. All they care about is that they are talented.

  6. Have you listened to some NFL players talk? Guys like Adam Jones and Vince Young can barely form a coherent sentence. I'm sure that a 2nd grade track record won't have any effect.

  7. You almost have to play in College these days to make it to the NFL, as there is really no where else to hone the skills needed at the pro level, so if he's not getting into college, his chances are slim to nill of making a pro roster.  He'd have to be such a tremendous athlete that he'd at least gone in the first 2 or 3 rounds of the draft had he been in college.  They're not going to reserve a roster spot for a guy who has nothing but highschool experience and the athleticism of a 4th or 5th rounder.  Otherwise, the age thing is big deal if he does play in college, Chris Weinke got darfted at age 26.

  8. how do you know if he is going to be any good

  9. If he is good enough no it won't matter.  NFL players have such a sort lifespan anyway, there is not much defernce between a 22 year old rookie and a 24 year old one

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