
If a kid tells another kid to go die and kill themself/other hurtful mean things....?

by  |  earlier

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if a clique at school tells a lone girl to go kill herself and die and other mean hurtful things like she's just a waste of space and a burden, etc. and then the girl ends up killing herself and suiciding, can her parents sue the kids who told her to go kil herself?

if her parents did sue, would they likely win? thanks.




  1. Hard to say, I think the "dead" girl's parents will not win. Because, if the girl have told her parents about the clique then her parents should be educating the girl and tell her not to take the bad remarks seriously.

    Humans can choose to do things. So if the girl decide to commit suicide then she will, she can think first before doing things right?

  2. No, the worse that would happen is they could possibly bring up charges of harassment. But you would have to have more evidence than simply a person claiming they were taunted. In the long run though it's the persons choice to commit suicide, so if they do nobody else can be held responsible.  

  3. could they yes would they win no would the kids feel bad most likely

  4. Nope.  not the mean girls problem the loner has low self confidence.  Does money bring their child back? I can't understand why people sue after the loss of a loved one...

  5. Yes her parents can sue yours and win, so stop it!

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