
If a lady has leaky gut syndrome, can it cause the baby to have colic when she nurses?

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When I nursed, I had to carefully watch my diet for the first nine months of nursing. No beans, nuts, peanuts, green vegetables, apples or spicy foods. With one baby, I also could not have any dairy or eggs. Any of these things caused bad colic. When I avoided these foods, the baby did not have colic. Could leaky gut syndrome be a cause?




  1. It seems to be connected to many other disorders, so I suppose it is possible.

    However, my personal belief is that your baby was just a little sensitive to the food protein that was passed to her through your breast milk.

    My reason for this thinking is that I have to avoid dairy products because my son is sensitive to the milk protein in my diet, but I have no allergies, nor do I have leaky gut syndrome.

    This would be a good question to ask the doctor who diagnosed your  leaky gut syndrome.

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