
If a land lord has a tented who is not at the home at the time the land lord is getting the place ready to?

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rent by law what does the land lord have to do before he can get rid of missing tented personal thing he has left in the house ?if anything




  1. I'm assuming you are referring to abandoned items - you don't say where you are and laws are different from state to state. But there is typically a required time frame before you can dispose of any abandoned Items.

    Here in Oregon we have to send a notice to all known addresses about the abandoned items.  We then have to wait 30 days to give the previous tenant enough time to claim their stuff.  If still unclaimed we have to send another notice that we are going to get rid of it.  THEN we can dispose of.

    Check your state's landlord tenant law for your time frame.

  2. Your question is a little hard to understand but, let's try this.  

    If a tenant moves out of a house but leaves items behind, typically, the landlord is required to store the property. However, the landlord can typically charge for the storage and, after a time, can sell the property to pay for any monies due to them.  The specifics vary by state.

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