
If a lion and a tiger fight, who gonna end up dead?

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Well say they fight for a lioness




  1. it would be tough I would say the lion but why would they fight?

                    ADD: david dont you mean liger?

  2. A lion would win.

    I saw it on Animal Face Off on Discovery Channel.

    The Lion has the "Mane" Advantage.

    Here is the video -

  3. the tiger they are the bigger of the cats

    but a lioger would destroy both

  4. first of all it depends on what kind of tiger but i would have to go with the tiger the siberian tiger can kill a adult brown bear and i saw a video of a tiger killing an alligator in about 10 seconds, plus the siberian tiger has been known to be able to kill an animal in one bite 3 different ways lions are also powerful but the tiger is a vicious animal that you do not want to mess with

  5. lions live in Africa,tigers in Asia.How would they meet?Hypothetical question by someone interested in violence not the well being of animals.

  6. Given the physical and behavioural attributes of both cats, it is indeed a difficult question as they are both built killing machines.  It is debatable if the lion is more aggressive, but it generally does have more fighting experience.  Male lions often must fight off other lions challenging for the pride, as well as other predatory animals on the African plains.  Although lionesses do a large majority of the hunting, males are very good hunters too (young, individual lions manage to hunt on their own until they find a pride of their own).

    Tigers are solitary animals and are more of a stalker than the lion (ie, they creep up and pounce on prey).  So compared to a lion with strong forepaws, the tiger has very strong hindlegs for pouncing.

    Overall, even though the Tiger is a larger cat on average I would peg their strength as being approximately equal, but I will give the edge to tigers on agility.  They are both highly successful cats, but the overall stamina and movement of the tiger will come out on top.

  7. A battle between a lion and a tiger could go either way. There are numerous records of fights between these species, since many people in the past have wanted the answer to this question and tried to settle it by cruelly pitting tigers and lions against each other. In some cases the tiger wins, in some cases the lion. The outcome of such a fight depends on the individuals involved - their age, size, s*x, health, experience, temperament, etc. Tigers are larger and stronger, but size and strength are not the only determining factors - a large but timid tiger would be likely to lose to a small but aggressive lion, even though it was stronger. Lions generally have more fighting experience - they often clash with other prides, whereas tigers tend to avoid conflict whenever possible.

  8. Lions are notoriously lazy, preferring the female to do just about everything, so if they tangled with a tiger, the tiger would win.

  9. lion would win

  10. the tiger would win. lions are lazy and mostly scavenge for their food

  11. The tiger would win most likely... but either one can win depeding on how strong, how fast ,and how smart the animal is.

  12. It would be a coin toss - differences in size would be insignificant.

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