
If a male friend of yours got sexually abused/raped, how would you respond?

by  |  earlier

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I would respond the same way as with if a female friend of mine got raped. With love and care and trying to help them as much as I can.




  1. i was raped in a sorority house.. i couldn't call it rape from the start as i was a little cooperative (we had a previous agreement that they would only let the neos touch (blindfolded and all, as i was) but situations got out of hand and nobody seemed in control anymore.. you would think you're lucky if they were only 4 to 8 of them in there.. but geez, you'll be humiliated and shocked as well when you realized you're being toyed and mashed, and pulled, and s----d, with all their yelling... and they just wont stop.. teen girls are dangerous people when they want to have fun.. beware!

    what help is there to be given afterwards by a friend.. more humiliation? no thanks..

  2. I would be like woah, wait, huh?  What? I'd be like ok, but I don't know. Say what?  And eh?  oh ok.  I guess man.

  3. Yes, exactly what you said.  I would respond in the same way.  I am not a professional but I would get them to one ASAP.

  4. Gender is irrelevant, I would phone friends and then go and wipe out the abusers entire blood line and then offer support.

  5. Panic, outrage, and lots and LOTS of "are you okay?"

    Most people I've spoken to on the topic aren't aware men can get raped, so I'd probably start trying to help with finding a sympathetic officer to report it to.

    If it were by a female and he had been drugged/hit with something, there would be obvious pieces of evidence to preserve.

  6. I will thank god it wasn't my butt .

  7. Yes if one of my male friends got raped I would definiately respond the same way. Rape is rape it is horrible and terrifying for both genders.

  8. To be honest.. I'd be shocked. I'd respond with," Wait, what?" Single men in our society make us believe that they would take whatevers thrown at them without a second thought.

  9. I would be very shocked.  I would try to help them in any way that I can, and give them tremendous support.  I know that that would make them feel torn down, but I would try to help build them back up.

  10. reported

  11. Of course I would be compassionate and supportive.  Rejection and ridicule from  loved ones will only compound the shame and guilt often associated with victims of a sexual assault.

  12. The same answer as you..with sympathy and the same way as I would to a female friend.

    I had an ex that was raped as a teenager. I think I was one of the first people he told, since other people told him "males can't get raped".  :(

  13. The first thing I would do is take him to the police because he has to report it, no-one should get away with something like that. Then I would support him as much as he wanted and give him as much love as he was comfortable with. The same I would do for a female friend; it's hard on anyone who has had that happen to them. Anyone needs support in any traumatising situation.

  14. I would do the same as you. It's just as traumatic for a man to have that happen as it is for a woman.

  15. That's the way I'd respond, although I'd add a dose of vengeance for whoever did it.

  16. I would be there for them and tell them to report it.

  17. Same, I would be there for him 100%

  18. I would be shocked that it happened, but my friends are like brothers and I would support them any way I could.

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