
If a male guinea pig mates wit a female teddy bear hamster what will happen?

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My male guinea pig has been around my female hamster. I want to know if it is really possible for the guinea pig to mate with the hamster and if so, if my hamster will get pregnant?Also what would happen to her if she were to be pregnant from the guinea pig?




  1. It's not possible. More than likely the guinea pig will kill your hamster though. They shouldn't  be together.

  2. hahahaha guinea bear!

  3. They are two different species, so nothing will happen; they cannot make babies together, just like a dog and a cat can't make "kuppies" or "pittens".

  4. it's not posible knowing that they are two different types of rodents

  5. u will get a teddypig HAHAHAHA!

  6. two different species cannot mate or else we would have some ****** up animals hahaa

  7. Some pairs of very closely related species are able to reproduce, like tigers and lions (ever heard of a "liger"?), or coyotes and dogs, or some species of bears. The offspring is referred to as a "hybrid." However, hamsters and guinea pigs are too genetically disparate, despite their similar appearance, to breed. So, nothing would happen in your case.

  8. Nope. They will not have guinsters. Hey, that sounds kind of cute :) I want a guinster! Even though they don't exist... lol

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