
If a man could opt out of child support, should the government pay instead?

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Inspired by an earlier question...

For the people that believe a man should be able to opt out.... should the taxpayers pay the woman child support? Or should she receive no support?

Opposers of this are also welcome to answer.




  1. why should i pay for someone else's fertilization?  that's as bad as the when the government used to pay for each child a person on welfare had - the more kids, the bigger their income.  h**l no.

    seems to me the only correlation men on this site have with children - is with their wallets.

  2. Well, somebody would have to, if the woman doesn't make enough to support the child on her one income alone.  

    It's all fine and good to talk about what *should* happen, she *should* be able to support the child on her own, the taxpayers *shouldn't* have to, but that doesn't really matter.  What matters is that there are children who need help, and we can't, as a society, just tell them "Sorry kid.  Your mom should have thought of that before she spread her legs.  Guess you don't get to eat every day."

    Of course...I don't think men should be able to opt out of child support anyway.  That's a ridiculous argument.  Most child support is only supplemental anyway.  They say the average child support payment in the US is $250.  An ex of mine, who's a single father, pays well over that every month in daycare alone.  I'm so tired of men here acting like they're such victims for having the pay a supplemental amount to support their own children.  You best believe the mother is spending more than $250 on her kids her month, and he's not obligated to spend a single minute providing any hands on care.

  3. In my opinion, if a woman chooses to have a baby knowing that the father doesn't want any part of it, she should expect to raise the child on her own, without help from anyone. It should be something that is factored into her choice whether to keep the baby or not.

    I don't think anyone should be able to opt out after the child is born, however. The time to make a choice like that is in the early stages of pregnancy.

  4. Personally if you bring forward a child into the world by WHATEVER method it is your DNA and your child and your wonder so many people have no sense of responsibly.

    Governments have far to much power in this situation trying to accomodate minority views at the expense of the majority and look where it's getting us.


  5. Of course not.

    She should pay.

    It happened inside her body - she chose to allow the fetus to come to term. (Notice how women use the 'inside her body' argument in any situation where it benefits them, but never when it doesn't?)

    The taxpayer didn't force her to open her legs without using protection, why should the taxpayer give her a free ride for the next 18 years?

  6. A man should not be able to opt out of child support unless he's poor and she's rich. Then we can give some lee way.

  7. She is responsible because she can choose to have an abortion.

  8. HER child HER responsability. Do YOU have a trouble with this?

  9. Pay with what money?

  10. Last time I'm going to educate these guys on birth control.

    A man can opt out of ever having a child EVER by using a condom and or/getting a vasectomy. That's it.

    A woman can truly never opt out of getting pregnant if a nutty guy wants to rape her, or her pill's 3% ineffectivity doesn't prevent pregnancy.

    Men:  Stop having s*x or unprotected s*x. Then you won't have to pay for the subsequent child.

    Women are made to feel guilty for considering abortion by radicals and guilty for having an unwanted child by the irresponsible guy. If any of you guys had to make that awful choice you'd stop being so fregging unkind about it. Her choice is far worse than your choice of wearing a condom or not. If you make the baby and she keeps it, it's STILL YOURS!

  11. Thank you - If we truly care about the child after its born then most would need financial help.    I don't believe in the opt out for this very reason.

    To those wondering where this came from its a refrain from guys who want to get women pregnant and run.   Like this:;...

  12. Excuse me, I must be behind, so tell me, what  in the h**l is "OPT OUT"?  Can women opt out too?  wtf -

    Well, the way I see it, some men have already opted out, and their children are already on public assistance.  So what is the question again?

    The children have got to eat, Opt out, uuh, consider me an opposer, nuf said.

  13. NO. look I am a single mother who made a mistake in her life ONE d**n TIME I did something so STUPID and I am paying for it. I don't want any handouts from the taxpayers. I can work I am able to work 3 jobs. I don't ask or take money from anyone.

    This subject is hard for a lot of people there are NO right answers and NO wrong answers. I do get sick of people bad mouthing single parents and still say that one of the parent should be able to opt of of parenthood. then turn around and complain about single mothers. I deleted my last answer to the other question. It to me didn't make much sense. unless you are living life as a single parent without support how can anyone understand that you really do LOVE your child? after all If i force her daddy in her life and he hates being there with her i am a BAD parent for hurting my daughter that way.

    My Daughter has a good life she has food to eat a roof over her head. a kitty that she Loves. she has a Mother who would do anything to protect her. she is not homeless. maybe she does NOT have the latest toys. but she has Love. and I don't need any help from anyone for that. she's MY child I WILL PAY FOR HER. No One else has to. I had her she is MY responsibility I am NOT yelling just wanted to get my point across God Bless

    One other thing. Do NOT trust anyone if you have s*x protect yourself make sure YOU are safe. don't take the word of anyone. trust yourself NOT anyone else.

    And as for abortions. he wanted me to have one I said NO. we should NOT second guess anyones final answer to the problem even if we hate the final outcome. because the choice is a hard one to make for anyone.

  14. no, of course i believe in less gov't not more.  maybe obama can do this.

  15. This is one of the reasons I'm against this opt-out idea... the lack of financial support from the father may force more women to have abortions, simply because they couldn't cope with the financial pressures.

    I think both parents have a responsibility to the children they bring into the world, to raise them as best they can. Welfare should be there to provide a supplement to the parent's financial contributions if needed, because all children deserve a good standard of living.

  16. yes i think she should get the support.

    or take it out of his paychek before he even gets it [=

  17. well, the government doesn't pay.  the tax payers do.  and frankly if it helps the child then yes, i think it's humane.  after all, what good is it to punish the child for having irresponsible parents?

  18. No. If the government would pick up the tab, taxes would be extremely high.

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