
If a man has a biological son,does it mean he has ej@culated/ achieved org@sm at least once in his life?

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If a man has a biological son,does it mean he has ej@culated/ achieved org@sm at least once in his life?




  1. wait.... what?


    im me if you have quesitons

  2. every boy past 14 has orgasmed oce in their life through at least a wet dream

  3. no. artificial insemenation....

    ...oh wait...d**n can they get it without him...d**n you know what not sure anymore.

  4. The answer is most definitely yes.  Did you stay awake all night long thinking up this question?  Bless your heart.

  5. I hate to tell you this, but yes, your dad did have s*x and did have an ejaculation!

    It's weird to think about, I know -- but it's true.

    99% chance he also had an o****m, but it is possible to impregnate a woman with only precum.

  6. not necessarily.

    with IVF it is possible for the sperm to be syringed from the testes and used to fertalise an egg that way.

    but, in most cases, the answer would be yes.  

  7. YES.

  8. Not necessarily so.     The s***n could be removed using a needle, and then used to inseminate a woman.      However, this would be highly unusual.

    Most sons are conceived in the usual way.

  9. Yes of course.

    And ALL men DO ejaculate in their lives on regular basis, this is a natural process (it's not about masturbation or s*x).

  10. are you seriously asking this you *** im so sick of dumb people.

  11. It surprises me how stupid people really are by sharing their thoughts on Yahoo Answers.

  12. no it means he $h!ts bricks twice a day and makes his hoee eat them.

  13. i think its a really good for you!

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