
If a man is taken to a forest...

by Guest32019  |  earlier

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and no woman is there to hear him why is he still wrong?




  1. Robert B wrote:

    "The question is beyond my understanding. What is the question? And to think that English is my first language."

    A more complete telling is:

    A man is taken into a forest and says something. If there's no woman there to hear him say it, is he still wrong?

  2. Because like the cat in the box he is always wrong where women are concerned.

  3. Because she knew what he was going to say.

  4. Why are you wrong in your assertion.

    Sexist idiot.

  5. ?

    regards x kitti x  

  6. these are the questions that keep me awake at night.

    maybe because men are always wrong?!

  7. ahah :)

    cause he is all the time.

  8. It's a womans world, but only becauses it's his.

  9. The man could have been taken to the forest on his own request so that he could be rid of a woman in particular or of women in general, but in both cases he is still wrong IN GOING THERE, for as long as he is unable to erase women from his mind, 'woman' will still play the major part in his inner world, with him ever anticipating what her response in a particular situation would be, whether she is there or not to give that response verbal expression - and whether he himself expresses anything verbally, for that matter.

  10. He would be wrong only because he let some woman lead him out in the forest to die.

  11. LOL !!! to everyones answers ! i agree with Oliviaaa, men are always wrong !  

  12. If a woman is taken to a forest and no man is there to hear her, is she still right?

  13. I'm sorry maybe i'm a little slow, but why would he go to the forest... can anyone elaborate

  14. because he is a man........blah,blah,blah.

  15. The question is beyond my understanding.  What is the question?  And to think that English is my first language.

    Update - Thanks for the help - now it makes sense.  It's similar to wondering if sound exists in a world where there is nothing to hear it.

  16. Ladies:  Thank you for the utter lack of confidence :)

  17. because he knows that hes imperfect......and hes just resigned to the fact he always will be,that's why he doesn't ask directions to get back to the woman!

  18. Okay well I want to know who took him to the forest?

    The second thing is if the man is married he better have called his wife if that trip was not planned.  Then he won't be wrong.

    If he was unmarried but a female is involved same thing.

    If no woman is involved that's his business and he is not wrong.

    From my experience it is always advisable to tell the woman everything or else.

  19. For no one else will hear him out except his woman.

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