
If a man is walking in a forest and no women is there to hear him, is he still wrong?

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If a man is walking in a forest and no women is there to hear him, is he still wrong?




  1. yep wrong wrong wrong, always WRONG muhaha  

  2. I'm gonna have to go with yes because he did something to be wrong in the first place rather the woman can hear him or not lol


  3. there is but one fool that argues with the anyone who thinks they know it all, and that is the person who argues with them, so to all and any person who insist that men are always wrong, I offer only a silent smile.

  4. of course; there's female trees


  5. Always.  But we do let you slid once in awhile, just to keep your ego's full to bursting.

  6. Yes, because the forest fairies report back to us.

    Good Luck.X :-)

  7. As far as she is concerned he is wrong. and anyway what were you doing in the forest on your own, you could have got lost, what about me I was worried, people will think your a weirdo, you don't care about us.. moan gripe nag whine... THAT'S why he is in the forest!

  8. Yes because they're always wrong.

  9. of course

  10. Yup, because he's wrong for thinking he wouldn't be wrong by going into the forest....;)

  11. well, hes not right!

    it depends on what bullshit hes saying..

    jesus i hope my bf doesnt see my answer.

    cause then ill have a to hear a lot of bull ****.

    then ill wish he was alone in the forest so i couldnt hear his a$$

    hehe.. yeah gotta go!

  12. Well, he is still a man. So yes, he is still wrong.


    You cannot win. Sorry...

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