
If a man looks at a woman lustfully, does the shaytan play a role in this?

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If a man looks at a woman lustfully, does the shaytan play a role in this?




  1. That's why we say face veil is Recommended.

  2. Yes offcourse.. its a natural urge for a man to get, to look at her in that way..but he can control it.. if he cant, its the shaytan thats temptiing him to look and he looses his control to the Shaytans hands..


    just as Kiwi said ,

    how can looking at a womans face bymistake make someone think lustfully ??

    you look at a girl, but the shaytan tempts you to look at her in the wrong way :)

  3. Yep shaytan is playing a big time role in that :D

    But it's natural for men to look at women but women also look at men :D Common thing...

  4. Salam for you my dear friend .Yes if a man looks at a woman lustfully,it means shaytan play a role to bring him to the wrong path

    or wrong doing. But for only the first sight of a man to a woman in a moment without lust is just only to praise the beauty of Allah's creation,the shaytan does not play the wrong role as spoken in the hadits of Muhammad pbuh.

  5. he doesn't need to.. it's a natural urge..

    that's why we say 'lowering one's gaze' is recommended..

    unless of course it's the man's wife.. then he can look at her however he wants..

  6. Most of the times it is just you..... not shaytan....

    Brother muhyi u din  :)

    how can looking at a womans face bymistake make someone think lustfully ??

  7. Your words "lustfully" itself shows that the man is governed by shaytan.

    There is a narration from Prophet Mohammed (Peace Be Upon Him) : "Looking at women is an arrow from the (poisonous) arrows of shaytan".  There is another hadith: "When a man and a woman are alone in a room, there is shaytan as the third"

    The Verse from the Holy Quran "Wa la taqrabu zina (Don't go closer to adultery)" itself prohibits lustful look at women.  Allah says: Dont go closer to adultery (fornication) instead of 'Don't do adultery' because looking at women llustfully will lead to adultery.  Lustful look is the first step and adultery is the culmination.

  8. This lustful act disturbs all beauty of that particular woman and snatches away all husnat of her.

    She fells sick that no doctor can cure, so veil for women is a shield to be safe from evil sight effect of lustfull visions.

    And on the other hand when that particular man reaches his home, he don't feel any attraction towards his wife, as he has lost his initial starting point outside home. Love with ones wife starts with first sight.

    The one who keeps his gazzes lowered down while passing by women, turns his natural thrust to a potential of initial charge be reserved, to start love making with his own wife.

  9. Usually Satan and sometimes your desires (nafs),what about this verse:

    024.030 Say to the believing men that they should lower their gaze and guard their modesty: that will make for greater purity for them: And Allah is well acquainted with all that they do.

    Al-Qur'an, 024.030 (An-Noor [The Light])

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