
If a man proposes and the girl breaks off the engagement 3 weeks later, who does the ring belong to?

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Say the man proposed 3 weeks ago. Today, the woman breaks off the engagement. The man asks for the ring back and she says no.

He paid by bank wire. Not only does he have the receipt and proof of purchase, but he also has the GIA Appraisal and the Insurance Appraisal all in his name.

Who gets the ring?




  1. The gentleman.  A ring was given as a promise of a marriage contract.  The marriage contract was never solidified, so the ring goes back to the giver.  If it was given as a gift for a birthday or holiday, however, then the young lady would get to keep it.  If it was specified as an engagement ring, though, legally it goes back to him.

  2. she wanted the ring cus it's pretty not the guy that came with it... but the guy should have it back... that's not fair... she broke off the engagement, why should she keep the ring?!

  3. Maybe she doesn't really want to break it off. Women have the tendency of being overdramatic sometimes. You probably pissed her off and she just wants you to come crawling back to her.

    I know if I was really ready to break off an engagment the FIRST thing that I would do is give the ring back. Why the heck would I want it sitting around reminding me of a terrible relationship?

  4. Traditionally, if te woman breaks the engagement, she gives the ring back.  If the man breaks the engagement she keeps he ring.

  5. The ring belongs to the man.  You can take her to small claims court for it.

  6. She forfeits the ring since she doesn't want what the ring symbolizes.  I hope he can make her do the right thing since she obviously doesn't have a clue...  sounds like he is pretty lucky to be free of her.

  7. The man. If he wants to, he can bring her to court to either get the ring back or get the price he paid for the ring from the woman.

  8. The guy of course! The ring is given to the girl under the impression that she will marry the guy. If she says no- at any time during the engagement than she needs to give the ring back.  

  9. The guy.  Absolutely.

  10. The man. When an engagement is off the man gets the ring (unless it was in the woman's family or something)

  11. The ring belongs to the man. It's the law. Google it

  12. I personal think the guy gets to keep it!

    Her saying "yes" at the proposal means she is going to take the life long commitment of a relationship.  If she backs out before the "I do's" then she should not get to keep the ring.

    The only time a girl should keep the ring is if it was her family heirloom, fiance/husband passes away before/after marriage, or divorced.

  13. She should return it, but by law, she doesn't have to, as he gave it to her as a gift.  You cannot ask for a gift back.  If he feels she is being very mean, he could take her to small claims court, or sue her, but legally he cannot ask for the ring back.  

  14. The man will win in a court of law since she broke off the engagement and he has all of the documentation. Try to get more written documentation if you are the man such as proof she really does have the ring. Also, why would anyone who broke off the engagement keep the ring it doesn't belong to her! This has happened were a family heirloom was involved and the man ALWAYS wins if the woman broke it off. The man can not only sue to get the ring back but also for pain/suffering, so be careful if you are the woman give it back, its not worth it!  

  15. She must return the ring. It's not a gift in the regular sense, but a symbol of the promise to marry.

    Phone her mom!!!

  16. the man.

  17. An engagement ring is a promise of marriage. Unless the wedding occurs, the ring belongs to the man. Once the couple has been married, the ring belongs to the ex-wife.

  18. By you breaking off the proposal he would get the ring. Why would you keep it if it came from him and you don't want to be with him? Whether you like it or not the ring has meaing to it and by you keeping it means you want to be with him.

  19. Giver breaks the engagement, receiver keeps the ring.

    Receiver breaks the engagement, giver keeps the ring.  

  20. It technically should be returned to the person who proposed. She accepted the ring which was a contract to become married. Since she no longer wishes to marry him then the ring is no longer hers.

    On the other hand possession is 9/10th the law, some people can try to argue that it was given as a gift.

    The ring morally should go back to the man.

  21. he does

  22. First off you don't give a reason as to why the engagement was broke off. If any abuse of any kind be it violent or verbal abuse and that could be proven the woman would have every right to keep the ring. If she just broke it off because she changed her mind then I say the man should get the ring back if he is the one paying,payed for it.

    But according to the law this is no longer true.

    Engagement -

    A binding, pledging, or coming together. A mutual pact, contract, or agreement.

    An engagement to marry is a bilateral contract between two people whereby they mutually promise to marry one another. Formerly, a breach of the engagement to marry was a cause of action in several jurisdictions, but this is not true today.

    Mutuality of obligation must exist in an enforceable bilateral contract, and this involves the concept of reciprocity.( A )cannot enforce( B's )promise unless( A's) promise entails a legal detriment, and( B) can enforce( A's) promise only if( B's) promise involves a legal detriment.

    If the ring is expensive and the girlfriend just decided she didn't want to marry you then I would take my chances in court to get it back. All she will do with it is pawn it or sell it.

  23. He does since she broke off the engagement.

  24. the ring legally belongs to him.  She broke it off so it is his.  If he were to take her to court, he would get the ring back or if she didn't have it anymore, she would have to pay for it.

  25. This woman is being callused and heartless.  How on Earth could she think this ring is rightfully hers?  This is not her ring since it's a sign of loyalty and life-long commitment.  Take the ring back and go to Vegas with your boys and try to forget about this woman!

  26. You should. If she broke it off why should she keep it?

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