
If a man really likes you, do you think he would do the chasing?

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And not you? I feel like I've always met more than half way for the other person. Do you think I'm just wasting my time on this guy if he hasn't made a move on me by now? It's been almost a year now and I'm starting to give up.




  1. Yes. If a guy likes you, he lets you know. I've learned this the hard way.

  2. Yes, but only somewhat. I'll pursue a girl that I'm interested in, but only to an extent. If she starts playin games or 'hard to get' she can go ***** her self.

  3. I think the girl has to give SOME indication that she's open to being chased.  After that, I think most guys will chase if interested...but some might lack the confidence.

  4. Yes, the guy should chase and yes you've waited too long.

  5. Yes you maybe wasting your time it's been 1 yr, time to move on. If it was meant to be he will come around, in the mean time why wait around life is to short you never know what tomorrow will bring.. Good Luck!

  6. if he hasn't made a move in a year, you're probably waiting to be barked up by the wrong tree.

    But hey, you can always forget the chit-chat and latch onto his honker. Then you'll have an answer right away, good or bad.

  7. YES....I chased my girl and we are happy.  weve been 2gether for 6 going on 7 months!

  8. If you like him and think he likes you, what are you waiting for?

    It's not like you have to walk up and offer marriage.

    Get a backbone and make some conversation.

    Maybe he's shy or maybe he's just a friendly guy, you're never going to know while you 'wait' for him to do all the work!

    Give him a chance, and if he still holds back, chances are he isn't interested in romance, although maybe he'd still like to be friends.

    Cheers :-)

  9. Some men are just confused about what they want. It's OK for you to be forthright with him.

  10. Yes.  My husband chased me...well there was chasing on both sides...but anyway, I believe that men go for something when they want it rather than playing games.  Some may play games, but I believe most are straight forward in trying to get what they want.

  11. Yes, I think so, but then again the kind of men I like are quite direct - I like men who take control of the situation. I certainly wouldn't wait on someone as long as you have.

  12. Not always. It could be that he feels like you're out of his league and he doesn't stand a chance, so he's keeping his distance so as not to destroy your friendship. (This is more common than you'd think. I've had so many guys tell me they "used to really have a crush on me" after I was safely in a relationship and they no longer had to worry about rejection.)

    So, if you really want him, TELL HIM. Go ahead and make the first move. Ask him out! Why not? It's not like you've got anything to lose. If you just wait for life to happen to you and never take any chances to make things happen for yourself, you're never going to get anywhere.

  13. i'd never chase a girl i like. she would have to come after me. because more often than not, the girl will not be interested and then she will just get annoyed and think i'm awakward and not want to talk to me anymore.

  14. Some guys chase in different ways...some don't at all. Honestly, it really depends. If he is shy, he may not chase at all.

    A guy and I have been flirting back and forth for a year and 1/2, but we are taking it slow, but at least he has made subtle, yet promising gestures, words, etc.

  15. Well, if the person really likes you, he is suppose to do the chasing... But <U>some</U> guys are "shy" and may not dare to make a move, cuz they think if they cross the line, then it's over for you two... Or maybe he is not sure whether you are willing to be with him forever....

    I suggest you tell him honestly how you feel about him and tell him you wana be with him forever... & ask him does he feel the same way... I know it's hard, but it's the only way I guess...

    If he replies he feels the same way, then ask him why isn't he showing his love towards you...

    REMEMBER to let him know if he isn't showing his love, you may feel like you're being left hanging and don't know whether to go on with him...

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