
If a man says something in the woods and his wife isn't there to hear what he said, is he still wrong?

by  |  earlier

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(sorry ladies, couldn't resist)




  1. Thats funny!

  2. Yes, and I'll bet you he's in the woods because she kicked him out of the house for being wrong.

    And if a tree falls on him, I can't tell you if it'll make a sound or not, but she'll d**n sure say it was his fault for standing there.

  3. I'm sorry, that is a cute question, but how would she know he is wrong if she's not there to hear it? (smiles).

  4. LMAO.

    It's one of those questions we'll never know the answer to, unfortunately...


  5. Probably. Unless he was in the woods without his wife because he was saying "Wow I was wrong..."

  6. If what he said was for her to get him another beer she better still do it regardless of if she heard him or not.

  7. Well... if a tree falls in the forest.. and no1 is around... does it still make a sound??

    I guess we'll never know.

  8. A man is assumed to be wrong by his wife at all times - whether she's there or not.

    Confucius never said the reason he went up to the mountain and wrote that book was to get away from his wife - Wei Chi.

  9. To think it is to say it, to say it is to give fact to it. Its wrong whether anyone hears it or not. You heard it didn't you? SO somebody did hear it.

  10. Mat 12:36  But I say unto you, That every idle word that men shall speak, they shall give account thereof in the day of judgment.

    Now you judge for yourself.

  11. He is never wrong regardless of where he said it

  12. Of course he is.  :)

  13. An old man dies and goes to heaven, there is a long line with many men and a sign that reads, "Men who have obeyed their wives." He notices another sign that reads, For men who didn't obey their wives. One lone man is in line. So he goes up to the man and asks, "Why are you in this line and not the other?" the man replies, "My wife told me to stand here".

  14. Lol yes he is wrong.

  15. Yes,us men are always wrong.

  16. most certainly are.  

  17. yes.and if you listen real close you will hear a Tree fall

  18. Duh.

  19. A zen master gives his student a favorite koan to meditate upon.  If a tree  falls in the forest with no one around..etc.etc.  Everyday the student meditates, and every night he tries to answer the question.  Which every answer the zen master hits him with a stick.  He even tries staying silent, but the master still hits him with a stick.  One day, years later, while meditating, he acheives an awakening. He knows how to answer an unanswerable question, and he knows how to demonstrate his enlightenment to his master.  He does so, and...The master hits him with stick.

    Hey!  I'm an enlightened one now! says the former student.

    Yes, says the master, and that's last the very last time I get to hit you with a stick.  Sigh.

  20. A man has to assume he is wrong with a woman. This is par for the course.

  21. He was wrong before he went into the woods and he'll be wrong when he comes out. Not only that everytime she gets upset she'll remind him of the wrong. She'll never forget.

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