
If a man speaks his mind in a great forest such that no woman will hear his voice;is he still wrong?

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If a man speaks his mind in a great forest such that no woman will hear his voice;is he still wrong?




  1. hahahaha

  2. of course, and i have my wife's permission to answer this queston in this manner

  3. If no one hears you who's to say what you said or if what you said was wrong .

    The only ones that will know is you and the good Lord above .

  4. If this happens I'm sure the female animals will attack you.

    Every woman is in on it. Even the animals..

  5. of course he is just ask mother nature, she heard him!  lol

  6. haha .. my father-in-law has the t-shirt!

  7. most likely. when are they not wrong?

  8. yes  

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