
If a man wants a girl to have an abortion but she refuses does he have financial responsibility in ca

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and if the father gives up all rights as a parent




  1. you should be made to pay child support but only after having a DNA test done .

  2. A man cannot just give up his parental rights (which is a different thing than custodial/visitation rights).  Termination of parental rights has to be approved a judge.  Voluntary termination is normally only approved for the purpose of adoption.  No judge in any state will approve it merely so the man can avoid child support.  And thank God, because if they did, men would be lined up to do this and then the welfare system would be overwhelmed (and it already is) with the need for the taxpayers to support these children.  We don’t want to support your kid and we shouldn’t have to.  

    Yes, he can and will be ordered to pay child support (after paternity is established).  There's no getting out of it.  The fact that he wanted her to have an abortion and she refused is irrelevant.

  3. If it's your kid, you're on the hook.

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