
If a man wants no more children shouldn't he get fixed rather then the female who does want more kids?

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If a man wants no more children shouldn't he get fixed rather then the female who does want more kids?




  1. yep! Make him do it. Even if you are married.... In America the divorce rate is over 50%. I wouldn't do it for nobody! You never know what the future holds!

  2.   YES, Its  cheaper,  easier,  and  reversable.  

  3. Yes.  Even if they both didn't want anymore kids, it's much less invasive for a man to get "fixed"

  4. Yes, and my doctor said that it is easier to reverse on a man than a woman in case you change your minds...good luck!

  5. If you're talking about a couple, then I think that the man should have the vasectomy.  Unless the woman is already having abdominal surgery (like a C-section) the procedure for a tubal is much more invasive and dangerous than a vasectomy procedure for a man.

    However, if it's a single person (man or woman) who doesn't want kids and are sure of that decision, then by all means, "get fixed".  Too many people are having children that don't want them.

  6. yes, that would make sense.  

  7. Yep! If the woman is the one who doesnt want it then yeah she can put herself through that whole risky procedure, but the man should get it done considering its simple for a man!  

  8. yes considering that if he changes his mind it can  be reversed and it's safer for him then a women getting it done. and if this is what you are going through then you guys should talk it out

  9. the only problem with that is if the man and woman are a couple then they really need to come to a agreement with this because how is the woman going to have more children when her husband/boyfriend doesnt.  

  10. He should be the one to do it regardless BECAUSE....its outpatient surgery for them and women take much longer to recover.  

  11. Yes he should.

    I'm the one who doesn't want anymore kids but my husband is the one to get fixed because it's easier and takes less time for him to recover, and it's easier to reverse if I ever decide I want to get pregnant again.

  12. for a man its easier, safer and reversable so i think its a better idea than the women.

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