
If a married woman gets artifically inseminated w/o her husband agreeing, is that cheating? Divorce worthy?

by Guest33571  |  earlier

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It's just a hypothetical. Say two people get married and agree to not have kids. And then the woman changes her mind. If the man won't impregnate her and she gets artificially inseminated (by a clinic, not through s*x with someone else) does that count as cheating? She's now preg with another man's baby. Should they get divorced? She wanted a kid so she got one whether he wanted one or not. Should he be stuck?




  1. I think a good lawyer would be able to get an annulment for the marriage, especially if they can prove that the woman committed fraud by withholding the woman's desire for children, thus making the man agree to the marriage under false pretenses.  Is it cheating?  No.  Is he stuck?  No, because even if he decided to stay, I don't think any court is going to enforce presumed paternity given the situation.

  2. i think it is cheating. maybe its because she did not wait for the right time for the husband to be totally encouraged of having artificial insemination. I am a husband as well and in behalf of the men in the world, it would be better if the wife will wait for the right time. just be fair to both sides. if she cant wait to have a baby with the husbands consent, better get divorced first rather than having baby without husbands knowledge...husband would think she cheated on him.

  3. wow that would just be a disaster...i would not recommend that  

  4. Morally-Should he be "stuck", no I don't think so and would he be stuck or have any responsibilities to the baby from a legal point? - I highly doubt it. Highly.

    As for whether this scenario is considered cheating, I would say no. Its a betrayal absolutely..but labeling it as "cheating" wouldn't be appropriate.

    The woman has every right to change her mind regarding her personal reproductive choices, even though there was a prior agreement or understanding. It would definatley be grounds for a divorce for the husband..  but not as adultery.

    A divorce would probably be wise anyway. Especially if one or the other is so apposed to having children yet the other now wants them..  Tough call. Hope this isn't a real life scenario your facing and if it is Good Luck with whatever happens.  

  5. I wouldn't consider that cheating cause she didn't have s*x with another man to get pregnant.

    But i would consider it deceitful

  6. I would say that it is cheating on their agreement but not on their relationship. At least he wont have to pay child support if they do get divorced as long as she gives the baby her last name...right?

  7. Since the beginning of time it was ment for a baby to be raised by a

    "loving" set of parents ( will take way to long, if we go into the inseminated or the whole g*y thing) SO if a woman decides to do this isnt she really only "fulfulling" her desires to be a parent? The man will resent her for lying and call the child aka "tube baby" a total "deception child" Its in everyones nature to want a relationship with both parents.

    Sounds like a HOT MESS to me....

  8. I would say that that is one of the worst types of deception I have ever heard of. It is absolutly grounds for a divorce. Also, I do not know what kind of clinic would possibly allow a married woman to do that without the husbands consent. So, the husband could sue both the clinic and his wife.  

  9. Yes it is divorce worthy, a decision as important as that is not the decision of 1 out of the 2 that make the couple, both need to agree about it. If she goes on and does it without telling and knowing he didn't want it, that just says communication and honesty and trustworthiness go to the trash in that relationship, and when that happens forget it. Those are basic requirements for a couple's success, that action breaks them. By the way, that action is not cheating obviously, but it is the same as telling the guy I don't care about what you say I do it anyways. I don't want to be with a woman like that.

  10. It's certainly not an act of love for her spouse, but it's not infidelity.  It's cheating of another sort, though.  She's cheated her husband out of a marital relationship of mutual respect, love and trust.  She's robbed him of vacations and luxuries because now their money will have to go to raising the child.  In short, she's made a life-changing and high-impact decision without her other half.  Very, very foolish.

    She's exhibited selfish, conniving and deceitful behavior.  The determining factor is that the two agreed not to have children.  Unfortunately, in some marriages individuals are headstrong and thoughtless, and they fail to understand the concept of "the two shall become one."

    Obviously, for her to take such a step, the marriage would clearly have been on thin ice before the insemination.  Bringing a baby into that situation makes it even worse.  The wife is taking a huge risk by expecting the husband to be understanding, love and raise the child.  If he can't get past his wife's selfish act (and not many could), everyone in the situation loses.

    Divorce worthy?  Technically, no, but the marriage would likely be over anyway.  I don't know of many men who make the effort to stay married to such a selfish and deceitful person.  They'd always be wondering, "What trick is she going to pull next?"

  11. I would leave her in a heart beat. My heart beats kind of slow though.

  12. Deception young lady will get her in trouble.

  13. Well, I wouldn't say it wouldn't be cheating...but WRONG.  They should agree on it, and if she decided to do it anyways, then I guess she would have to live with the consequences, because I'm sure he'd be outta there in a hurry and she'd be raising that child on her own.  So she'd gain one new love (baby) and lose the other (husband).

  14. Judge Mickey says No.  

  15. That's cheating!  

    That's too bad, he is stuck with the marriage!  

    Not enough counted for a divorce.  

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