
If a medical prof? Or just know. How and what is the reasoning behind antioxidants....?

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aiding in withdrawal, promoting good cell function etc?




  1. Anti-oxidants are just about anything that is not oxygen. Just read the lists. For the most part, it is a bunch of hype. It is used to sell foods we have been eating on a healthy diet for years. There are people that sell sugar as an anti-oxidant (chemically it is.)

    What is necessary in withdrawal is the vitamins consumed in the process of metabolizing the drug or alcohol and also those needed in the repair process that begins in full strength once the toxic substance is removed. Also, medications are used in alcohol withdrawal to prevent DT's, seizures and death.

    Old Doc

    P.S.Free radicals are a transient state of a molecule or atom that has an extra electron making it extremely reactive. (they react almost instantaneously with the nearest molecule.) It occurs mostly in oxygen molecules and most commonly within lysosomes within cells that are designed to destroy things like bacteria (or the cell at the time of cell death).

  2. antioxidants bind to free radicals in your body.  free radicals are toxic by products, most commonly nitrates and nitrites.  Free radicals often bind to cell walls and can cause cell death or mutation, in extreme cases they can promote or cause cancer.  Free radicals are often most common in canned foods, particularly meat products, processed meat products... such as bacon, smoked goods, etc.

    Antioxidants that are common include vitamin A, B and C... D and E as well as well as some minerals.  They are naturaly present in carrots, citrics such as oranges, lime, lemon tomato etc...

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