
If a mom was doing drugs and Child Protective Services found out ...?

by Guest64055  |  earlier

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would they just knock on her door and take her children away? What would happen?

I'm just asking because I'm writing a story about 2 sisters who had this happen to them and I want to add a flashback scene in the story. (You get the drill!)




  1. that was a stoopid answer...

    well, you hear stories about nothing happening at all sometimes. i guess it depends on the drugs and the state. if its meth or h, i think the kids would be taken away anywhere in the country. if its ganja... the social worker would probably chill and blaze it with the parents. i was made ward of the court at like 15? basically i was on probation and on a routine check they found a large quantity of coke. nothing happened to my mom and her husband, but i went to juvie until a spot in a boys home opened up. it was actually pretty cool, the boys home.

  2. Too many what ifs to ask here on YA.  They have to do an investigation before taking the children away.  The only time I have seen children taken away immediately is if the children are obviously neglected or seriously abused when CPS comes.

  3. if they find out...

  4. well then you or them need to stop doing drugs because it better not be in your system because you will lose your kids.. good luck

  5. They would most likely take the child, but many of the Child Protective Workers are either abusive or rapists, theres been several cases of this.

  6. Child Protective Services are supposed to be just as the name implies. If they have complaints, they usually call and schedule an inspection of the home, and as I was told by one, "The ONLY way I can remove a child or children is if I see a life or death situation" However, in my opinion, if it worked correctly, if a home is found to posses a hazard, drugs or otherwise, the children would be removed immediately and a very through investigation would be preformed before allowing the children to be in harms way! Yes I think it could happen.

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