
If a moms child who is 5 wants her to have another baby but the mother dosent what should the 5 year old do?

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If a moms child who is 5 wants her to have another baby but the mother dosent what should the 5 year old do?




  1. i always wanted a sibling, but my mom couldnt have another kid(she could have died having me) so i had to stop trying , i even tried asking her to adopt.

    mom always wins cause she does all the work

  2. is this a serious question? What say does a child have in whether the mother should have another baby??

  3. The 5 year old should be patient.  They should know that Mommy wants to devote all her time and love for them. And it's okay to be an only child. Also, there are friends and family who'll be there and give them lots of love and support.

  4. Bet the 5 year old would soon change their tune when they realise they have to share Mum & they're not the centre of attention anymore.

  5. The 5 year old should learn how to deal with a parent being in charge and learn that they do not get everthing they want in life.

  6. If my 5 year old asked for a baby sister or brother then i would  try.

  7. Nothing. A 5 yr old has no say.

  8. Nothing, the 5 yr old has no control in this situation.  And if you get pregnant just cuz your 5 yr old wants you to, than that's dumb.

  9. get over it- who runs the house- the mom or the child?

  10. I'm not sure what the point of the question is. What are the options that the 5 yr old has? Continue to beg or give up? And are you expecting the 5 yr old to care what we say here? And if your question is just worded backwards and you're more likely wondering what the mother should do -- the answer isn't all that different. The mother (and father?) need to make this decision ON THEIR OWN with their own agenda in mind and not consider what the 5 yr old "wants." 5 yr olds want lots of things and most of them are not within the hands of a 5 yr old to decide. Certainly whether to bring another child into this world is one of those decisions! Not only that but what are you going to do when the next child turns 5 and decides they want a new baby? It is very common for kids to want a new baby. In fact, you better prepare yourself because when girls become about 11 or 12 years old they almost always want their mom to have another baby. What will you do then?

  11. Find a few neighborhood families with children around his/her age and come together and find ways to have eachothers children over once or twice a week.  But, if you really want my opinion, I don't  think children should grow up as singletons.  If you and your husband die he will be alone. He will have cousin, aunts ect, but no one close like a brother. It's a bad idea to only have one.  He might grow up spoiled and undisciplined and no one will want to deal with him.

  12. I can understand you're concerned about her feelings. If you're planning to have another baby in years to come. Then let her know clearly that you're not having a baby just now. If you're not planning for a baby at all let her understand this. Get her a new baby doll with all the baby accessories to make it up to her. Get her to visit her friends often or invite them to your place.. etc. I think she will forget the idea eventually and enjoy the attention and extra treats ;)

  13. I think you might want to be a little more descriptive about the question. I think I might know what your talking about.......try getting the child a baby doll to take care of. It sounds like the child is a little lonely. Mabey enrolling him/her in a summer program with other children might help. Or mabey playdates???

  14. The 5 year old should deal with his mom's decision.

    She IS the mom, after all.  The 5 year old is not the boss.

  15. who cares? the 5 yr old is not the one to make major decisions like that. Be a parent and grow up- stop letting the 5 yr old rule the roost.

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