
If a mother has a miscarriage, and the baby is still inside of her...?

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how do they get it out? do you have to force labor? how do they do that?




  1. It depends on how far along you are. I've never had a d&c but I did have a natural miscarriage and it did hurt. I had horrible cramps and there was was so much blood, I won't go into detail because it's disgusting. If I ever have the to make the decision again I will have the d&c, I heard it's a lot easier.  

  2. no it does not hurt you dont remeber a thing because your put to sleep. i had one about a month ago. you will have some bleeding after to for about two weeks not real heavy though

  3. you need to go to the doctors and have a dnc  

  4. If it is before 20 weeks, they will preform a d&c which is an operation in which they dilate the cervix and scrap out the contents of the uterus. And no, typically the mother is not awake for this. Although the policy varies from hospital to hospital and also by how far along the pregnancy was.

    There will be some mild period-like cramping and bleeding after-wards but no, it basically doesn't hurt.

  5. i have raised shire horses for over 40 years. during this time i have had to "clean out' many fetuses. what i suggest is that you take a large dose of caster oil and red pepper mixed. usually after this it will come out as fecal matter.

  6. d & c (removal of tissue)

    wait to pass naturally

  7. A D&C (dilation and cutterage)

    They will remove all tissue related to the pregnancy (including the embryo).

    They are very safe, and afterwards, most women are able to go on and have a healthy pregnancy later on.

  8. It depends on how far along the pregnancy is.  If it is pretty far along they will induce labor so the fetus is born.  If it is early enough they do a D&C, where they basically clean out the uterus

  9. That depends on how far along she was. Before 20 weeks or so they will usually do a D&C, which is a surgical procedure where they remove the remnants of the miscarriage, or the woman will be given drugs to contract the uterus so that it will pass naturally. If it is a late term miscarriage, then they will induce labor and the woman will "give birth" to the stillborn baby.

    Sad stuff.

    EDIT: The woman is generally awake during the procedure, and no, it doesn't hurt. It may feel uncomfortable, and there will be pressure, but there generally isn't any pain.

  10. yes the mother is awake. i had one cause i have had 4 miscarriages and they had to suction everything out and then they kinda scraped everything out. i was a little painful. But not bad at all. i was 3 1/2 months along and it was painful cause i was very nervous and i was all tense. so they had a hard time getting in me.

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