
If a movie/video game series keeps making you money, why would you end it? ?

by Guest45510  |  earlier

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take halo for many people say Halo 3 will be the last Halo game and no more will be made. if halo makes tons of money, why would people stop making sequels? or why would people stop making spiderman movies in that series?

if a chain of video games or movies are making u millions of dollars, i just dont see the point in ending them. even if they eventually become drawn out and boring, many people will still see them and generate cash.




  1. some companies start running out of ideas and decide to stop making games in that series.

    fyi the spider man movies didn't stop, the 4th one is in production right now.

  2. Making movies comes with big responsibilities therefore if you make more it'll get slack on the movie and then it'll become boring to those who were used to it.

  3. there is alot of rumors going around that bungie is working on a new halo project

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