
If a nation tortures and kills prisoners because its terrorist enemies do so, is it morally the same as them?

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If a nation tortures and kills prisoners because its terrorist enemies do so, is it morally the same as them?




  1. Yes. However, the neocon nut jobs have us believing otherwise.

  2. Which nation is "kill[ing] prisoners?"  

    I haven't heard of one.  Or did you invent that?

    And I guess if that country dressed up its military as civilians and betrayed the Geneva Conventions in the process, maybe it might be.

    And if you know that a terrorist knows details about a nuclear bomb threat that is going to blow up your city, including your mother, father, your little dog, your best friend, and your brother, would you be okay with pouring water over that person's face?

    I know the answer to that question, even if you deny it.

  3. It makes them just as bad, as this country is!   "Do as I say, not as I do!"    This nation is so hypocritical, it deserves everything it gets from economic, financial, political failure.

  4. Yes.  It is evil in in it's purist form no matter whether it is Bush ordering it or some other terrorist.

  5. Sure, but what "nation" does that? Certainly not the US, if that is what you are implying.

  6. ding ding ding!! yea it is, thats what the Geneva Conventions were for.. but hey.. thats old news right, lets cut all there heads off!!! right?!?!

    if you are smart enough to ask this question then you shouldn't be against the death penalty either..  

    if you dumb yourself down to their level your no better..

    write in RP.

  7. What went wrong out there.

    Decode this lyrics " Where is the love - Mama"

    Was blunders and slip-ups with human errors being expose in time.

    Expose the young one were living in misery.

    When they could no longer differentiates between fantasy and reality.

    The reality and horrors was expose out there in the streets too.

    After the incident had happened with loss of life.

    The young one woke up in shock.

    Found that they had self desctruct in time without being aware of it.

    Too late the victim was gone.

    While they mess around while having fun.

    Pictures speak a thousand words on what went wrong out there.

    Luke 8.5-8,10-17

    Why after the mystery of us-911 the young one has to stay in line out in the field before further damage being done to themselves out there.

    Luke 6.39-40,41-45,46-49

    What do you think?

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