
If a neighbour backs out of their driveway onto the road while you are driving up it, and blocks it, forcing?

by Guest62120  |  earlier

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you to drive up onto the pavement to drive past them, would you see that as hostile?

This particular family owns two houses one on either side of the road, so may see the road between the two houses as their territory




  1. i can't believe you went on the pavement  around them; either wait till they move or back up and go a  different way.

  2. Not hostile, just inconsiderate.  Call the police.  Just because they own houses on either side of the road doesn't give them any reason to block it.  Or sit there and lay on your horn until someone comes out and give them some lip for being such pricks.

  3. Why did you go on the pavement, if they hit you it's there fault. Yes it is hostile, why didn't you tell them at the time.

  4. If they are just backing out of the drive to leave then just have patience. If they back out and just sit there then I would think they are trying to instigate something. Be the better person and just ignore their rude behavior.

    If they do it often you might be able to drive into their yard a little while trying to pass them. They might stop then.

  5. In the UK any unreasonable blocking of the road in an offence of obstruction. You seem to be as bad driving on the pavement, which is also an offence. How they view the road is irrelevant. If they cause you problems ask the police to have a chat with them. Do they really wait for you to come along and back into your path? If so it should be easy to get a friend to video as evidence. Unless you are exaggerating of course.

  6. What difference does it make how many houses they have?

    Visibility is horrible when you're backing out, whether it's backing out of a parking spot between to larger vehicles or a hidden drive.  Edging back slowly and looking through your rear windows is the only way to avoid an accident, provided the person in the oncoming vehicle is not suffering from a bout of road rage.

  7. I would see it as annoying, but I wouldn't drive on the pavement, especially if I thought that was what they wanted me to do. I probably would just sit there beeping my horn so much everyone else in the street would come out to see what was going on and hope I embarrased the offending family!

  8. If they are driving out then afraid all  you have to do is wait. However, if you mean the road is blocked I presume they are doing this with more than one car? If this is so then it's not so much hostile as illegal.  Although we pay Road Tax you can not block a thoroughfare. Having 2 houses makes no difference whatsoever. First thing would be to have a word with them unless you have reason to believe they would be hostile. If you don't wish to do this then you have no alternative but to get the police involved. By the wording of your question I don't quite understand if these people (person) is actually blocking the road other people must be aware of this as well as yourself? As I said at the beginning if it is when they are driving out of their driveway it's a different matter and you just have to patient, this happens to us all.

  9. did they park their? If they purposely blocked it off yes I would see it as hostile. But if they were just pulling out to leave i wouldnt say so.

  10. This is ridiculous - especially if we're talking about adults here - one person goes while another waits their turn - there.

  11. Hello,,sounds like an attitude,,you were driving up the driveway and had to keep driving up on the "side" to get around the other vehicle?, make the driveway wider if the traffic is gonna be that much of an issue,,otherwise just drive thru their yard the next time and see what happens.

  12. They're committing an offence by reversing on to the road - you are committing an offence by driving on the pavement!

  13. They can own the whole block of houses, but the city still owns the street. Since you can predict this will happen again, next time have a sandwich and a book packed, call the cops and wait it out right there in the middle of the street. Once the idiots get a fat ticket, they'll stop. Well that part, at least, I'm sure they'll still be complete jerks.

  14. Apart from it being a road trafic offence to reverse from a minor road/driveway onto a major thoroughfare my interpretation of their  action would be one of conceit and arrogance,. This attitude allowed to go unchallenged will become much worse.

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