
If a nuclear bomb were to detonate how far would one have to be from ground zero before they are safe?

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If a nuclear bomb were to detonate how far would one have to be from ground zero before they are safe?




  1. There's no single answer because nuclear bombs come in a wide variety of yields (kiloton, megaton, etc.,.) Take a look at this website to get an idea ==>

  2. That would depend on the size of the bomb, whether it went off at ground level or a thousand feet up etc, whether this was on flat open ground or a very built up city area and so on.

    Not hard to find some rough guesstimators

  3. underground

  4. Unsure... however, wouldn't it vary depending on the size of the bomb? I know you would have to be extremely far away... (we'll over 100 miles) to escape "any" radiation damage... although it's affect varies from person to person also... so I'm afraid I don't actually know... Good Question though (you can have an interesting *)

  5. In the bedrock.

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