
If a package is delivered to the wrong address and is returned to the post office, do they hold the package?

by  |  earlier

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a package was delivered to me at my old address I realized this and went to see if it had been delivered yet. The new tenant informed me she had returned it to the post office. I need to know if they hold these packages for a few days or send them back right away.




  1. 30 days

  2. If you filed a change of address with the Post Office it should be forwarded to you, unless it was shipped 'Standard Mail', in which case it would be sent to the 'dump'.

    Call 1-800-ASK-USPS. Tell them about the parcel. They will put you in touch with the local post office. They should be able to forward the package as long as you have not moved over 6 months ago. (You may also ask why it was delivered to your old address)

    Also remember to notify everybody that sends parcels to you of your new address, nipping this problem in the bud.

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