
If a party is advertised as a "Girls Gone Wild" event, women go and get drunk, then get filmed-...?

by  |  earlier

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why is there a social backlash against the producers, and how can this be considered as exploiting?

People against GGW argue that they ' get girls drunk' or they ' find them drunk and approach them...' , how can this be if the women knew likely a week or more in advance that the party was to be hosted by "Girls Gone Wild" - and they already knew the reputation of the company and the parties?




  1. Actually, the one my friend ended up on was not publicized as a girls gone wild event.  They found her drunk,  got her moreso, and then filmed her during Mardi Gras and distributed it.

    If people are drunk,  they arent going to make consistently sane decisions.  I dont doubt there's chicks there that love the attention and go there on purpose but they do take advantage of some girls.

  2. They do get them drunk or wait til they are drunk. have you ever seen a ggw video? half the girls start falling off the beds or slurring their words. It is degrading to girls that don't do stuff like that because guys start automatically thinking all girls who drink do **** like that....those girls can never be removed from the video after they sign the contract..the producer/host has Been investigated several times.

  3. No matter if the women knew what will happen or not, it's still not right. Because while they are drunk they just can't control themselves like they would when sober. So they do things they would.

    Sure, you can say, that's exactly what the producers want.

    But there are always girls that would do the same when being sober.

    Is it such a turn-on when the girl is drunk?

    and doesn't know what she's doing?

    and will regret what she did and feel ashamed?

    Hey guys, what's hotter?

    A girl that wants you right here and right now, because you really turn her on

    or a girl that's drunk and let's you just because she isn't able to say no and would probably vomit a whole day after that?

    I think it's not ok what the producers do, nor what the girls do or the guys that are "involved".

    If they didn't tell the girl before, it's even worse.

    So for the girls: Be careful with alcohol.

    For the guys who like such movies:

    Don't be careful with alcohol, drink as much as you can. I hope one of the girls that didn't know what would happen sees you and there are no witnesses.

  4. Today women are held less responsible for their actions, it they are in the wrong, they tend to be seen as victims.

    Its not like alcohol completely changes a person, i get drunk and anything I do i own.

    Thing 5500, I'm sure you can find plenty of young men inserting objects on line, no need to wait.

  5. well they got busted because half of the girls were underage... the sad thing is he is in jail and still making money!! Personally I don't see the difference between those events and a regular strip club everyone knows whats going on if they don't like they can just ignore and leave!

    ..BTW yes they were underage that's why the host is in jail.....get a clue

  6. Those girls are just needing their 15 minutes of fame......stupid whores.

  7. i think ggw is for girls that just are addicted 2 s*x witch is discusting!!!! those whores!!!

  8. I agree with Doo Doo and Lord.

  9. Its because they don't want to believe their daughters would do that on their own account.

  10. i think thats its  because the parents don't want to believe their daughters would do that on their own account

    have a nice day

  11. Personally can't wait for the sequel, where teenage guys are offered as much alcohol as they can drink, then cherry picked from the herd, taken out the back and encouraged by professionals much older and more experienced than them to engage in a variety of debasing sexual acts, including homosexual behaviour and 'object' play.

    Then, the next morning when the alcohol and party drugs wear off, they're told "hey, you deserved it, you wanted it or you wouldn't be here".

    And I'd like to see how many teen boys, young men on the boundary of childhood with their futures in front of them, would fall for it. Because you know, it's an oooold trick.

    And then the product is sold for mega bucks they never see a cent of, but which may turn up at their grandchildren's 'stag' night.

    Yeah, that's the series I'm waiting for.

    What I can't, and never will be able to understand, is how anyone could find the sight of young people, inebriated and not in the full control of the minds or bodies, engaging in intimate acts, sexually exciting.

    But then, I guess you have to have a certain type of mind to get into it to begin with.

    Cheers :-)

  12. Did it not occur to you that GGW producers stage a few of these "branded" events  in an attempt to legitimize the use of film they created at non-branded events?

    Surely you cannot be that naive?

    These producers deserve any and all backlash that comes their way.

  13. Well, I would certainly hope flashing and shaving themselves while cameras roll would be something they'd do sober, but what the h**l do I know?

    I think that these gals are taken advantage of to a certain extent, and the rest probably think they will be scouted and put in movies or TV, or maybe even a spread in Playboy.

    It's sad really, as truly they are only exploiting themselves. They may be drunk, but I think they know exactly what they are doing.

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