
If a patient is wounded, given morphine and an accidnetal overdose occurs what would be given for pain?

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researching for a book




  1. If I get the drift of your question, the next time, you'd simply give a lower dose of morphine. One of the nice things about morphine is that the dose can be titrated to effect.

    For your book, be careful with this. The normal procedure is to make an estimate of the patient's dose, and give about half of it slowly over a minute or two, then give the rest a few minutes later. That's how people get relief so often with accidental overdoses happening so seldom.

  2. if you od on morphine, there is no pain

  3. Actually, John De Witt is telling the truth. The Morphine SO4 can be titrated. Titration means that you have keep increasing the dosage until the desired outcome is obtained. But, TDL and Tramal can be given, too... TDL is tramadol + paracetamol.

  4. Nothing is given for pain, but usually naloxone is given for the opiod overdose.

  5. if the patient was in pain, there would be no overdose as a person in pain can tollerate alot more of the drug then the most seasoned of hardcore addicts. the pain would keep there respitory system going, which is the main cause of opiot deaths.

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